question regarding cool sounds and effects


New Metal Member
Jan 28, 2008
Ok so there are a lot of rock songs out there that for the most part are comprised of "techno" sounding loops and samples like a lot of the verses in linkin park songs and if anyone knows the song Basement ghost singing by armor for sleep, which is not really a good tune as far as vocals go but the music portion of it is very melodic. I would just like to know how to make things like that, or where to even start to produce sounds like that for intros and verses and stuff. All I can seem to find anywhere are rap loops and plugins and effects, but nothing like what rock or metal bands are using. Can anyone perhaps give me some advice in this area, as far as what to pursue or purchase or whatever. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Try some soft synths like Absynth4 and FM8. You will have to do some editing to preset patches to create your own stuff but it is possible.Also collect a shitload of samples and learn to sequence.