Question Regarding Megadeth's Rude Awakening Vhs/dvd/cd.


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Does anyone know if the Megadeth/ Rude Awakening VHS is out yet? I know the C.D. has been out for awhile, but I more interested in the VHS being that I have most of Megadeth's C.D.'s (except RISK). and I don' have a DVD player, yet. Cheers.
All 3 are out. I own the cd and DvD. The DvD was worth it, while the cd was utter garbage imo. It sounds as if it were produced in a trailer. Anyway, the VHS is missing a ton of the extra footage and interviews that the DvD has as well. I would just wait till you acquire a DvD player.

Originally posted by Poison God
All 3 are out. I own the cd and DvD. The DvD was worth it, while the cd was utter garbage imo. It sounds as if it were produced in a trailer. Anyway, the VHS is missing a ton of the extra footage and interviews that the DvD has as well. I would just wait till you acquire a DvD player.


I need to get a DVD!!! Because I need the RA and Death DVD!!!
Originally posted by Poison God
The DvD was worth it, while the cd was utter garbage imo. It sounds as if it were produced in a trailer.

Was it done by Dave "Why on earth do I think I can produce records" Mustaine? Almost everything he has ever touched sounds like crap. Just leave it to the professionals.