Yeah so... I have one final question before I buy new recording gear which will consist of a new interface (most likely the M-Audio Profire 2626) and a whole new computer and it will cost me about 1200 so I need to be as sure as I can freakin' be before I do this. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I have just spent an hour skimming through a 27 page thread on Gearslutz about the Profire 2626 but I couldn't find a straight answer to the question that is plagueing me.
Is FireWire, as a means of data transfer, really fast enough to provide very low latency monitoring? I'm not talking about direct monitoring or crap like that because that is useless to me when I track guitars with amp sims since I have no use for monitoring a clean guitar signal while playing metal.. right. I just need to be perfectly sure that I can plug my guitar in, throw my amp chain on a track (will be using Reaper) and monitor the signal THROUGH my computer and back out through the Profire 2626, while recording the DI. If I can do this, then I obviously won't be having problems with tracking drums since the latency will be good enough for drums too, or I could even use hardware monitoring on the drums since I don't really need to monitor drums with effects. Anyway...
I will aquire an Intel Quad Core Q8200 with 4GB DDR2 PC8500 RAM so the computer will be quite decent.. I'm just worried about the FireWire interface itself. As mentioned in some threads earlier, my Delta1010LT PCI-card lets me monitor crackle free at 64 samples (currently in a AMD64 X2 3500+ computer) and honestly... I can't imagine tracking guitars or drums with more than 64 samples latency. I get quite annoyed by anything higher, or perhaps I COULD get used to 128 samples but it doesn't feel very motivating to upgrade to something which yields higher minimum latency to be honest.
So... a follow up question: How do all of you do when tracking guitars DIs but monitoring with sims? It sounds like most of you guys indeed use FireWire interfaces... am I just too anal about latency and should I just accept the fact that FireWire is not fast enough and should I just have to learn to live with the latency? I hope I can do what I'm asking for... then I'll pull the trigger and buy the gear I need to step my recording solution up BIG TIME.
Thanks in advance and sorry again if these kind of threads pop up every now and then. Just looking for input from the best </asskissing>
Is FireWire, as a means of data transfer, really fast enough to provide very low latency monitoring? I'm not talking about direct monitoring or crap like that because that is useless to me when I track guitars with amp sims since I have no use for monitoring a clean guitar signal while playing metal.. right. I just need to be perfectly sure that I can plug my guitar in, throw my amp chain on a track (will be using Reaper) and monitor the signal THROUGH my computer and back out through the Profire 2626, while recording the DI. If I can do this, then I obviously won't be having problems with tracking drums since the latency will be good enough for drums too, or I could even use hardware monitoring on the drums since I don't really need to monitor drums with effects. Anyway...
I will aquire an Intel Quad Core Q8200 with 4GB DDR2 PC8500 RAM so the computer will be quite decent.. I'm just worried about the FireWire interface itself. As mentioned in some threads earlier, my Delta1010LT PCI-card lets me monitor crackle free at 64 samples (currently in a AMD64 X2 3500+ computer) and honestly... I can't imagine tracking guitars or drums with more than 64 samples latency. I get quite annoyed by anything higher, or perhaps I COULD get used to 128 samples but it doesn't feel very motivating to upgrade to something which yields higher minimum latency to be honest.
So... a follow up question: How do all of you do when tracking guitars DIs but monitoring with sims? It sounds like most of you guys indeed use FireWire interfaces... am I just too anal about latency and should I just accept the fact that FireWire is not fast enough and should I just have to learn to live with the latency? I hope I can do what I'm asking for... then I'll pull the trigger and buy the gear I need to step my recording solution up BIG TIME.
Thanks in advance and sorry again if these kind of threads pop up every now and then. Just looking for input from the best </asskissing>