Question to Mark Briody about When The Walls Come Down

Mr Blackwell

Dec 29, 2003
Vienna, Austria, Europe
Hi Mark,

in the interview with HEAVY ODER WAS!? about the release of the Chain Of Command-CD you said that you like the bonus track When The Walls Come Down better than all the other Chain Of Command songs.

If that's the case, why didn't you include the song on the original album?
Or re-record it later for one of your subsequent studio albums?

Thanks for your time,

"When the Walls Come Down" was recorded about 7 months after the original 'Chain' sessions so it was not on 'Chain of Command'.

The song was mastered on 1/4" tape and we only had 2 cassette copies made at the studio. I believe these cassettes eventually wore out from being played too much. Since I don't own a reel tape deck I had no way to make more copies. I looked for the reel in '92 but I couldn't find it.

I thought that the song was lost for good since many early Jag Panzer masters are gone.

I ended up booking time at a Denver studio last year and listening to some 1/4" masters that I had in an old box. In a box marked 'Tyrants e.p. backup' I found the master for 'When the Walls'. I should have known by the title 'Tyrants e.p.' that the reel was from later sessions. The original e.p. was not called 'Tyrants' until several years later. So this reel had to be from a session at a later date. Sure enough it contained the remix of the e.p. plus 'When the Walls'.
