Question to Mr. Broderick or anyone interested.


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2007
Hi every one, I'm brand new in this forum. I used to play guitar but due to an injury I had to left it. No matter what I try to do, I feel my passion is still in the six strings, but the thing really is: When I played I had a really bad technique so I didn't get really good at playing. If I practiced every day 4 hours per day only picking, in how many time (more or less) I would become good on picking (speed, accuracy, etc). Probably it sounds weird but is just doubt I have.

Thanks and greetings from Colombia.
It really depends on the person. Everyone has their own unique strengths. I think it's impossible to really give you an answer, but, one thing I can guarantee is that if you're really dedicated, and practice wisely, you can achieve your goal.
I really think picking is one of the hardest techniques to learn. Getting it up to speed can actually drive you nuts, but it's really worth it.
Sit down with a metronome and start at a very slow tempo. I usually do 3 note per string patterns (string skipping etc.) and start at about 64 beats per minute (16th notes = 4 notes per click) using alternate picking. I work myself up increasing about 8 or 4 bpm when i get one speed right. Be really critical about your hand position and picking motion. does it feel comfortable? do you produce some unwanted string noise? do the notes sound accurate? is the space between the notes even?
The hardest part it NOT to increase the metronomespeed when you are not perfect at a ceartain speed (at least for me :) ). I'm always impatient so it's all about fighting the urge of going too fast.

Well, this is the way i do it. And it works quite ok for me.

Hope this helps a little. ;)

Hi every one, I'm brand new in this forum. I used to play guitar but due to an injury I had to left it. No matter what I try to do, I feel my passion is still in the six strings, but the thing really is: When I played I had a really bad technique so I didn't get really good at playing. If I practiced every day 4 hours per day only picking, in how many time (more or less) I would become good on picking (speed, accuracy, etc). Probably it sounds weird but is just doubt I have.

Thanks and greetings from Colombia.

If you're practicing for 4 hours a day, CONCENTRATING on what you're playing, your technique, take good advice and enjoying what you're playing, you will be a killer guitarist in no time.

The hardest thing for me to learn when practicing was what to think about, and how much I actually had to think about it.
yeah it depends on the quality of the practice, i get more done in the 2 hours a night i have than most kids i know at my school do in 4 hours, it just depends on how precise you are with your practicing
4 hours is fair practice, but I used to practice 8 for a couple of years & I never got very good. I barely even know any theory, I just wank & shit. I also never did the metronome thing too much. My picking is what's weak. I can sweep pretty well but when I try to play shreddy scalar runs & get sloppy. My legato is decent I guess & I do alot of economy picking, but not like Yngwie level.

Good luck. I'll pop by here some other time. I have a question for Chris.
The best picking instruction I've come across over the years is from Tuck Andreas. Look for it on his site. No exercises. Pure mechanics, but he nails in words what nobody else has. Article is gold!