question XD

Oct 14, 2004
Nijmegen, Holland
hmm I was looking up things on the inet about cob and I read that kimerberly goss from sinergy was alexi's wife ------> is that true for I can't find it anywere else hmmm maby this is a fucked up question :p and am i fucking being stupid

will see :p
yep, and then I tried to look it somewhere else, but I couldn't find it. and I almost asked the same thing here, in the same fuckin' place..
maybe we're both a bit stupid :headbang:
but hey, let's think it this way: nobody's perfect and we're nobody, so, we're perfect !
Isn't anyone gonna call them fuckin' n00bs and tell them to fuckin' browse the fuckin' forum before asking fuckin' stupid questions that have been asked fuckin' hundred fuckin' times before? All in caps, of course. And add fucks if you feel like it.
this thread may look like it has been exhausted to an outsider, but im gunna call it safe and say duck and cover. if this is the last post it gets, then damn, i should go to sleep.
There are two pips in a beaut, four beats in a lulu, eight lulu's in a doozy, and sixteen doozies in a humdinger. No one knows how many undingers are in a lollapalooza.