
Yep. Also
Morbid Angel
Yeah! Indeed! Their new album "A Worm Glimpses" rocks as hell. I also forgot my fav band ever
"Forest Scream" with their album "Tears of Eternal Solitude". Their front man is sucha weirdo! Somn the Duckest is his name!
:lol: I thought No Farmak's latest release was A Folorn Grinch? I agree on Forest Scream tho, they rock! I hear Somn The Duckest actually has three accounts here on ultimatemetal! One Sonm (people always mis-spell his name), his own, and Somm!

Other cool bands include Othep, Uvler, and Takalonia! :D
Ya!! But what's wrong with No Farmak's "A Worm Glimpses"? I like the album!! I walk and listen to it and it seems to me that sometimes I see a worm among the trees!!
The Op is a cool band too! As well as e_MP_error
No sign yet, I think Sarah must be on holiday or ill or something? Hmmm, sending them on seems sensible, but Sarah may not be too happy.. :erk: I won't really have a chance to do anything more on them until Sunday anyway. How about if I don't have the answers by Saturday I'll let you know, and you can send them on and I'll let Sarah know? :)