

New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2005
Who removes the topics on this forum? Onece I have seen a topic of Dan Swano covers he was involved in and I can not find it. It was helpful for people who did not know Swano biography. Why did this topic dissapear when other useless or even pointlesss still are available? Important posts disappear so what is this forum for?
Grunthor, are you really sure it´s away, or maybe it just went further down in the list of threads?
Have you maybe not adapted your settings of how many threads are shown? That´s on the left bottom of the forum´s overview, and if you don´t play with it, only the newest are shown - while you are logged in - , with the automatic setting. You´d have to change the date of how far you wanna go backwards.

The only ones who can delete stuff are the two moderators here (winter-frost and ColdDarkNord, you see the names on the right bottom of the page when you scroll down), and possibly Dan himself, and I kinda doubt any of them would do that. The moderating anyhow is pretty laid back, and the few times I seen deleting on this forum was some total crap which usually is extremely seldom. I couldn´t remember that threads were deleted because of not enough posts, it´s not that busy forum here, compared to the huge ones.

If you wanna be totally sure, send a pm to ColdDarkNord and ask, but before I would check again here if you maybe only overlooked it. We sometimes discuss completely different things in threads than their title would suggest :loco:

EDIT: it´s here
It was on the second page for me. It´s probably really your settings ;)
You are right fireangel I should choose the option on the bottom on the page to see the older topics. Thanks a lot for help.