

Nov 2, 2007
Powell River, BC Canada
Hey Dan, I recently found the little note you wrote us A LONG time ago on here, and it said why you were kicked from Bloodbath. I know this is a long time after, and are probably sick as fuck of people asking this, but how is your relationship with Blakkheim and Jonas now, and how was it right after? Are you still pissed?
That's a pretty personal question you know. It's perfectly understandable if he doesn't want to answer this.
And I don't think Dan was ever "pissed" for being out of Bloodbath.
Very personal question and there is no way Dan would stir up some shit here on the forums even if he was a bit pissed, he knows Anders and Jonas read them.
I guess we have to read between the lines.

"...I don´t see any problem with the guys going on with what they are doing. Bloodbath was their name. To me the project was something of a serious joke and a thing to do to have fun and revisit past glories. I never had any intention of making BB a serious thing for me...they had, I had to probz!!!"

Sounds like he was cool with it.
I'm sure Dan knows it was wrong, but Bloodbath didn't mean that much to him and he probably would prefer to keep his friendship with his buddies than make an issue of something like that.

People get kicked from bands all the time. They're probably worse off without a creative force like Dan, but it's not like the guys they have left are chopped liver =)