Questions for Briand Hood


New Metal Member
May 31, 2013
I know you're posting here sometimes and I had the idea of creating a thread where you could maybe answers questions about your recording process and all that stuff!

I have a few questions and would appreciate if you could answer.

1. I really dig the bass tone on Augment by Erra and would like to know what you've used for the bass and how much post processing you've done to the tone.

2.Do you have any tips to really blend guitars and bass together? I can't seems to really make them mesh well. (kind of gap)

3.Are you doing a lot of post-processing on your rythm guitar tracks?
Beside HPF and LPF

4. I saw that Erra was currently tracking a new EP at your studio. From the clips I've heard it seems like the style has changed(Could be because Alan isn't in the band anymore). Will it sound a lot like Augment mixing wise or you're trying something different?

Would be cool if we could do some sort of AMA with you because I'm pretty sure a lot of people got some really good questions to ask you.

Edit: sorry for the Name typos on the thread title
1. I really dig the bass tone on Augment by Erra and would like to know what you've used for the bass and how much post processing you've done to the

1. That album was done with my Fender Jazz bass with D'Addario Pro Steel strings. I ran it through my sansamp, and did a shitload of post processing on it. There are two separate tracks for bass. One is just sub lows (lowpassed at like 300hz), and the other is just a distortion track for the "grit".

2.Do you have any tips to really blend guitars and bass together? I can't seems to really make them mesh well. (kind of gap)

2. My method is this. 1. Mix the drums. 2. Turn up the guitars until I'm happy with their volume. 3. Turn up the bass sub track until I'm happy with the low end. 4. Turn up the bass distortion track until I'm satisfied with the amount of "grit" coming through the mix. If there are any weird frequencies poking through or clashing between guitar and bass, I'll eq them out at this point.

3.Are you doing a lot of post-processing on your rythm guitar tracks?
Beside HPF and LPF

3. This varies depending on the band and the mix, but I typically suck out a decent amount around 250hz if I use my top mesa cab. This is in no way universal, because your guitar cab does not sound like mine. If I use my bottom mesa cab, I don't take out the same frequencies.
Other than that, I will use c4, a limiter, and that's about it (post wise).

4. I saw that Erra was currently tracking a new EP at your studio. From the clips I've heard it seems like the style has changed(Could be because Alan isn't in the band anymore). Will it sound a lot like Augment mixing wise or you're trying something different?

4. I will be trying new shit on this EP. I get bored of my own mixes, so I have to change them up for my own sanity.

Would be cool if we could do some sort of AMA with you because I'm pretty sure a lot of people got some really good questions to ask you.

feel free to ask me whatever. It's hard to ignore a thread with my name on it (literally).
Few Questions again for you Brian:

1.Do you have any tips for EQ processing on Vocal?: Seems like I have no idea what to do with EQ when it comes to vocal. I track in an untreated room with a s7mb. Should i approach EQ processing like guitar? (cutting harsh freqs)?

2. Are you tracking vocals with your vocal chain on? And if so do you have a kind of preset you apply every time you record vocals and then tweak it after in the mix?

3.Do you have any tips for editing vocals layers lenght? Ex: there's a 5 second line double tracked but the waves are not exactly the same.(lenght of the words). And you couldn't retrack again. I've heard of revoice but it cost near $600 for a licence.

4. Have you notice a big difference when tracking with your old ibanez vs your new PRS? does the passive aftermath really makes a big difference in tones?

Thanks in advance

PS: If anyone else has question please do it since I won't have any soon ^^
There are two separate tracks for bass. One is just sub lows (lowpassed at like 300hz), and the other is just a distortion track for the "grit".

Do you use any pedal, amp or cab for the sub lows track lowpassed at 300hz?
Or is just a DI with lowpass?

He's reamped bass for me before and I believe the low track is also ran through his RBI. Not entirely sure but it sounds like it haha

Thanks for your answer, I guess it's hard to know
and each one has it's own way of mixing.
I was just wondering which is usually done around here.
Brian, I think you equipped a PRS with an Evertune bridge, right?

Do you happen to have before/after clips? Would be interesting to hear how that affects the tone of the guitar!
1.Do you have any tips for EQ processing on Vocal?: Seems like I have no idea what to do with EQ when it comes to vocal. I track in an untreated room with a s7mb. Should i approach EQ processing like guitar? (cutting harsh freqs)?

I have no "standard" eq tips for this other than hi passing around 120hz. From there, it's just a matter of my own personal taste and how the person's voice sounds to me. My vocal EQ isn't anything drastic or special (at least for screams). Singing vocals is a little different since I like to brighten those up a bit.

2. Are you tracking vocals with your vocal chain on? And if so do you have a kind of preset you apply every time you record vocals and then tweak it after in the mix?

I always have a starting point for vocals (doesn't everybody?). From there, like I said, I have to make adjustments based off mic selection, vocalist, and my particular mood for the day.

3.Do you have any tips for editing vocals layers lenght? Ex: there's a 5 second line double tracked but the waves are not exactly the same.(lenght of the words). And you couldn't retrack again. I've heard of revoice but it cost near $600 for a licence.
I used to just edit this manually, but not I have Vocalign. It seems to work well for screams and singing vocals. I still tighten up the vocals further in Melodyne with singing vocals.

Manual editing for screaming is very easy though, since you can pretty much cut wherever you want without weird blips or pops happening. With singing vocals, you can typically only make cuts between words and on things like "ssss".

Also, with screaming vocals, polyphonic elastic audio works well for stretching parts. So does Waves Soundshifter (just go in your preference and select it as your TC\E plugin). If I'm stretching a scream, I typically cut the outsides out the scream, and stretch the center, like the screenshot below:

Cut the outer edges of the word

Slide the end to line up with the other vocal

stretch the center and fade

4. Have you notice a big difference when tracking with your old ibanez vs your new PRS? does the passive aftermath really makes a big difference in tones?

I can't stand the sight of my Ibanez now. I used to love it, but the new PRS with Evertune bridge and Bare Knuckle pickups has dominated my life. I now ONLY use my ibanez for it's 24th fret.
Do you use any pedal, amp or cab for the sub lows track lowpassed at 300hz?
Or is just a DI with lowpass?


Sansamp RBI

Brian, I think you equipped a PRS with an Evertune bridge, right?

Do you happen to have before/after clips? Would be interesting to hear how that affects the tone of the guitar!

I heard no notable difference in tone after installing the Evertune, but I don't have any clips to support that claim. I do know that the guitar sounds great.
Who's the tightest band you've ever recorded?

Any cool,fun stories that happened to you recently at the studio?

Do you find yourself using side-chain compression on bass and kick?
One question for you Brian:

I noticed you´re using Kick room samples in your latest albums (Surroundings for example, or Capsize). Do you load them in the same Trigger with the close samples or another track with only room samples?

What ones do you usually use?

I have some questions!

Which of your amps do you use the most?

Are your amps moded as far as tubes etc?
Who's the tightest band you've ever recorded?

Any cool,fun stories that happened to you recently at the studio?

Do you find yourself using side-chain compression on bass and kick?

Tightest band=Gideon

Stories= A band dude brought some train-wreck of a drunk chick back to my studio. I go to use my bathroom, and find her passed out on my toilet.

no i do not side chain my bass and kick.

One question for you Brian:

I noticed you´re using Kick room samples in your latest albums (Surroundings for example, or Capsize). Do you load them in the same Trigger with the close samples or another track with only room samples?

What ones do you usually use?


I have all my room samples separate, and I run them into a bus with compression and EQ. I don't have any "go to" kick room samples. I change up\blend room samples constantly.

I have some questions!

Which of your amps do you use the most?

Are your amps moded as far as tubes etc?

I use my kemper more than anything, but that's just because I have a ton of amps profiled out in different ways. No of my tube amps are modded.