Hi, first of all mr norberg(i am shure that you hear this a lot) you are a bass genius , your work with spiral architect its just awsome , all of the members are just great great brilliant musicians.I am a bass player myself and when i grow up hahah i want to be as good as you
. I know that if i want to be as good as you i have to practice and study a lot, but i was wondering what kind of exercises do you do? , what kind of advice can you give to all the bass players who admire you ? and i read in other tred that they asked you if reading music is an essential skill in the jazz /fussion genere and you said that if not essential,very close , i know that reading music is very important , im learning to read music , i know that its important and all , but its so damn boring and difficult , and its more difficult when you are used to tabs , but can you please give us a practical use for it , i mean ,why is so necessary , in your personal experience.Well , hope you can answer me , thanks a lot for your music!