Questions from a new guitarist


Super Zombie
Dec 16, 2001
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I'm new to playing the guitar and I've gotten to the point where I can justify buying a new guitar, but I'm not sure what would be the best to get.
Any suggestions?
I'm currently using a Harmony which is basically a replica of the '68 fender Stratocaster
and I'd like to play Nevermore/At the Gates/Arch Enemy style metal
and maybe some Iron Maiden/Priest stuff too
Ibanez, LTD and Jackson all offer some nice entry level Metal type guitars...

You can pretty much use anything you want, but it all depends on playability and what you are willing to pay.

'd say a Jackson DK2 or DKMG or DKMGT would be good choices for a beginner. Nice quality instrument, isn't really cheap, or expensive... a nice compromise I think....

How much are you willing to spend?
Go to the local music store and try out some guitars. Whichever one feels the most comfortable and you can play the most naturally is the one you should get. I got an Ibanez myself because my fingers fell right into place when I tried it. Also, play it through clean channels and see which one offers good sound.