Questions That I Didn't Invent

One Inch Man said:
No, that's alcohol. The stoned mind works in interesting ways and if you could actually remember some of the shit you thought up, world peace would probably be attained. :dopey:
Remember that thread that Doomcifer created, pasting the contents of a text file he wrote while stoned? That was some pretty cool shit. :cool:

And yeah, sometimes I cringe when I remember conversations I've been having with people while drunk, that I obviously thought were highly intelligent at the time.
I always say the most stupid shit when I think I'm converting some commie popster to the ways of national socialistic heavy metal madness or stuff like that, it rules
I bought more Magic Hat tonight. It's the one with the bumble bee on the label.


JayKeeley said:
6 pack of that costs $7.99. woot for US beer prices.
:erk: Is that cheap in NYC? I pay $5.99 for premium shit at Trader Joe's out here. Liquor stores charge that much sometimes, but not for everything, and sales are frequent. That being said, I wish I could have beer! Instead I'm stuck with this combo on a Friday night for the next two weeks:




Erik said:
hahahhaah "camel taste"
Yeah really, wtf is that?!? I don't think the packs I buy say that on them, otherwise I'd still be staring at them saying "huhuhuuuhuhuhuhuhuuhu"
JayKeeley said:
Dude, I still convert all my shitz to English pounds! As far as I'm concerned, everything is half-price for me! :loco:
hahhahahahaha like when Homer is in the land of chocolate eating everything in sight and comes to the Chocolate Store "wow chocolate! half price!" :loco:
Oh aye.

"We were talking about the Land of Chocolate?"

:lol: xoigu2oit224y80924892
Has metal already been perfected? Can anything as good as the classics still be made?
No, I'm ternally optimistic in that regard, if there was no room for advancement left metal would already be dead from endless recycling instead of just being halfway there.

It can't be hard to be better than silence, can it?
Silence is not music. Music is the best.

Is it a betrayal of Art for a band to consciously appeal to fans it has already attracted?
I'd say it depends on whether the band's goal is to create art and not product in the first place. Consciously appealing to fans with more mainstream tastes is betraying the muse.

Should a band care about its fans?

Should a band worry about whether people like them?
No, this almost always leads to pandering & uninspired material.

Which is better, to sell your ideals for a good price or to stick to them for long enough to make those ideals as well as yourself seem ridiculous?
The latter, but only because the other option is selling out, when you realize that standing up for your beliefs has led to self-parody you need to seriously evaluate your position.
Jim LotFP said:
Has metal already been perfected? Can anything as good as the classics still be made?

Of course heavy metal hasn't been perfected. When people with hundreds of heavy metal CDs are still looking for more CDs, I think it should be clear that perfection and heavy metal are pretty far apart.

Jim LotFP said:
It can't be hard to be better than silence, can it?

You wouldn't think so, but looking through the CD racks at Best Buy makes silence very attractive, doesn't it?

Jim LotFP said:
Is it a betrayal of Art for a band to consciously appeal to fans it has already attracted?

... if so, does that mean that metal bands that shit on their fans and try for gold records are being artistic?

Jim LotFP said:
Should a band care about its fans?

No. The fans don't care about them. They're just groupies. Proof? How much would you care about a band if they never made any music? You just like them because they're a band. You're an aural whore. Groupies don't deserve care.

Jim LotFP said:
Should a band worry about whether people like them?

Yes, or else you get Anal Cunt.

Jim LotFP said:
Which is better, to sell your ideals for a good price or to stick to them for long enough to make those ideals as well as yourself seem ridiculous?

It isn't until they harm you that your ideals become real.