Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here


Alexi's "Creature of the Night" tee, can anyone tell me briefly about if it has any story behind it.

Oh and where can i get one:lol:

i have this shirt too heheh my mum bought it for me
To Ensi- Ah thanks man! Let me know where you got it from. Cats FTFW :kickass:

To dagursigula (sorry couldn't remember how it was spelt)- you won't understand, cats are pure :kickass:. Don't worry about it :lol:

On topic- How does OMGalexi wear his chains? yep uber fanboy I know- Ive got some and wear them how I think they look good, but just out of interest.

A cheap guitar with 24 XJ frets, 25.5 scale, and a licensed floyd rose bridge?
In Tuska 2003's performance of Downfall (see Trashed, Lost & Strungout DVDEP for quick reference) they stopped playing in the middle of song and Alexi started yelling in finnish at the crowd: what was he saying and why did they stop playing?

Also, I've just read in the CoB's gear thread that Blooddrunk was recorded with guitars tuned to both D standard and Drop C. Which songs off that album are in D standard?

To the guy who asked for bands like Sinergy (a couple pages ago in this thread): try Deathlike Silence (Erna Siikavirta's current band).
In Tuska 2003's performance of Downfall (see Trashed, Lost & Strungout DVDEP for quick reference) they stopped playing in the middle of song and Alexi started yelling in finnish at the crowd: what was he saying and why did they stop playing?

He says something like, "Tuska, anyone tired or anything" (crowd says no) Then he says, "You're sure?" (crowd, yes!) "Yeah right, says Alexander next to me. Let's ask again. And now with some fucking attitude - anyone tired?" (crowd, NO!) "Then let's fucking drink more alcohol, or what?" (crowd, yes!) "That's the spirit. Let's play, guys!"