Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

Hey guys, when do you get your merch before, during or after the show? Do COB always sell merch, i want to buy some stuff on their upcoming "down under" tour, thanks for any replies.
I think it's just a bunch of random bracelets. I have no idea where you can get em though..

Those bangles/Rings can be ordered from H&M. I actually got one piece with 30 rings(15 siilver and 15 gold). You can always buy many and take out the silver ones. They were like 3€...i don't wear then though because they get uncomfy.
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it says that it is Jaska who plays drums on this cd`?

From SOB Murder Archives:

Virtuocity is a Finnish Neo-Classical Metal band with influences of Power Metal. The band was formed by Jaron Sebastian Raven.

Jaska W. Raatikainen joined the band as session drummer for the recordings of their first album SECRET VISIONS in the Astia Studios with producer Anssi Kippo between May and August in 2001.

Jaska didn't participate in songwriting, but arranged all drumming parts. He got a demo tape of the songs two days before entering the studio.

Jaska was only a studio musician for the first album and was later replaced by a permanent drummer.
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it says that it is Jaska who plays drums on this cd`?

In May in 2001 he was asked by Jaron Sebastian Raven to play drums on the debut album Secret Visions of his project Virtuocity, where progressive drumming was needed. Jaska agreed to this offer and got the demo tape of the songs two days before they entered the studio, so he couldn't think of too much ideas for his drumming in that short time. But he really did a great job and showed some technical and progressive drumming. Jaska was a member of the band for a short time but since he got more and more busy with Children Of Bodom, Virtuocity continued with another drummer and Jaska's playing on the first album was only a guest appearance.

Children of Bodom - the favorite band of Finnish 16-year-old girls who secretly (or not so secretly) hope to be raped by a Grim Reaper on speed. C.O.B also has lots of finnish fanboys, which they rape at the backstage.
Encyclopedia Dramatica...
^lulz. ANywaay.. I'm new to "folk metal" so was wondering the first Ensiferum album I should buy in terms of fan favourites, best musically or easiest to get into start with ,answers much appreciated