Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here


damn i should stop thinking because i keep coming up with brand new questions allright that one will be the last promise im seing cob for the first time and i really want to meet them get their autograph do u know where do bands hang out at festivals do they go right to the backstage or tourbus after their performance cause i keep hearing those stories where the band members comes near fans talk to them etc
Anyone know why they have it as BBQ for Bodom Beach Terror? Shouldn't it be BBT? They have AYDY, HCDR, BAM which all make sense but whats the Q for? Is it like a joke or something like Barbeque?
exactly - just COB's sense of humour!

Cool. Speaking about COB's sense of humor, how many people here didn't like Umbrella? I thought it was awesome they did that and I was hoping they would put the whole thing up on their cover CD aswell as Journey
It was great to hear live :) I wouldn't like it in the album though. It's better to use it during live shows, just like the Jump they play. Makes the crowd go grazy. :kickass:
I can't find a pick which is the same (or similiar) anywhere in the dunlop website even if alexi said his one is a dunlop and also cobhc.com says that.
Does someone know where i can find it?
Make sure you get the BLACK Jim Dunlop Jazz III pick. I asked for some and the dude who worked at the store said we only got red and I said is there any difference and he said no. I watched that guitar center interview and they give Alexi a red version of Jazz III and he is like nah I like mine better. Turns out the Black is made of Stiffo and the Red is made out of nylon. Nylon is worse in my opinion, also harder to pick scrape with
Here it is


Sorry for the shitty wecam
^I Didn't understand any fucking word you said...maybe it's yersterday hangover btw
The pick i have it's fucking great 'cause plays awesome and i don't think mine is made of nylon but it's surely something better,you gotta touch it to understand what i'm saying.

And wtf,are you blind?even mine has got "children of bodom" logo and alexi sign on it.

and...i'm sorry if i didn't get you point :goggly:
^I Didn't understand any fucking word you said...maybe it's yersterday hangover btw
The pick i have it's fucking great 'cause plays awesome and i don't think mine is made of nylon but it's surely something better,you gotta touch it to understand what i'm saying.

And wtf,are you blind?even mine has got "children of bodom" logo and alexi sign on it.

and...i'm sorry if i didn't get you point :goggly:

Holy shit I made no sense. Okay well I have seen those picks on eBay with the Bodom logo and Alexi signature. I thought they were like collector items, not the actual picks Alexi uses on stage. He must have his own signature/custom pick thingy with Dunlop. Anyways before they are customly made the picks are Jim Dunlop Jazz III picks. They are the black ones which are made of "Stiffo". So if you ask for a Black Jim Dunlop Jazz III pick the store should have em, thats what Alexi uses. Jim Dunlop is the brand, Jazz means they are small and III means sharp tip. You can get Jazz I picks and all which don't have the awesome sharp tip you are looking for. Hope that helps
Actaully from the pictures it looks like its one of the Jazz 3 tortex picks with just his signature on them.
The Jim Dunlop Jazz III "stiffo" picks are different from the Alexi ones.
Actaully from the pictures it looks like its one of the Jazz 3 tortex picks with just his signature on them.
The Jim Dunlop Jazz III "stiffo" picks are different from the Alexi ones.

Wait there are tortex Jazz III picks? WTF! That means i've bought Red Nylon and failed, Black stiffo and failed. Now I need to seek out these Tortex if they exist. Are you sure? They aren't on the Dunlop website