Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

Any chance of Children Of Bodom doing a cover album of Deaths The Sound of Perseverance? That would be sweet, I'm sure. And it would be interesting.
That wouldn't be sweet and interesting because CoB's current vocals and keyboards would literally destroy the album which is a masterpiece. And Schuldiner wouldn't only turn in his grave, he would do three backflips with a 720 degree twist in his grave.
I wouldn't want to see that happening.
That wouldn't be sweet and interesting because CoB's current vocals and keyboards would literally destroy the album which is a masterpiece. And Schuldiner wouldn't only turn in his grave, he would do three backflips with a 720 degree twist in his grave.


hahahahha:lol: I agree with you, zombie chuck fells angry
does somebody have the link to the full Cob live in wacken 2006 vid? or the setlist
i just got the trashed lost and strungout EP and i wanna watch the videos on there. sadly im kinda stupid and i dont know how to fucking play the videos. can someone tell me how? thanks
it doesent fucking work in any fucking dvd fucking player or my fucking computer

it doesent fucking work in any fucking dvd fucking player or my fucking computer

Did you try:
Go on your computer. Hit "My Computer". Find your CD/DVD drive, right click, hit "Explore" in right click menu. Files should be listed...

I don't know for sure that will work, I don't have the thing, but it's pretty much a default when things don't autoplay for me...
Toss your dvd player out the car window so that it hits a lamp post, it should start playing better, there may be something stuck inside or something.
Live in SEOUL, KOREA. 2001

Is there some kind of official release/dvd? I saw some videos around youtube but I'm looking for really good quality footage, if any.