Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

also i dunno if this has been covered; has the band mentioned wher ethey got the title are you dead yet? i know theyre super into pantera and in the home video pantera has they say are you dead yet and are we dead yet a lot, did they get it from there (or at least inspiration?)

explains it
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I know I've asked this a lot but I keep forgetting, what are the scales alexi mostly uses? I find myself soloing a lot like him but with some other neoclassical influences (comes from listening to too much bodom haha) and its a weird combination with my bands thrash metal style. anyway can anyone let me know the scales so i can actually know what the fuck I'm doing?

You'll find your answers here!


PS where's that 8:29 riff from? I know I've heard it.
Was Tokyo Warhearts pre recorded or what? I watched the "Silent Night Bodom Night" video and at some parts Alexi or anyone else from the band, were not singing and there were some random screams going on during that time.
Talking about not genuine, I recently dug up this sweater with the HCDR logo on the back. In green.
It is the warmest sweater I got so I'll wear it if it's cold, but it doesn't really feel right.