Quick Blind Test Regarding Micing

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey guys, I'm rearranging my place today and I decided to do a fun little blind test. For this, I mic'd my amp while reamping a riff I wrote. I recorded one take with my cab mic'd and the other take with the same setup, but with 2 bass traps surrounding it trying to possibly remove some mud from my room. Here is a clip (One is with, one is without, feel free to guess which is which).

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2113488/Bass Traps and Amp.wav

Here is a screen shot of Ozone with the spectrum enabled for each take
(Yellow is without, purple is with)

And finally a quick cell phone pic of the setup

To my ears, I can't tell a difference between them at all, I just thought it was interesting because I have seen plenty of people do this before claiming that it makes difference.
I think I might hear a little bit less bass in the second one?
Anyway, I honestly never get this room treatment thing for recording guitars.

I used to track everything in another room with cheap isolation on the walls.

Now I'm in another room without any treatment at all, didn't notice a difference.

Maybe the difference is there when you go with a really pro tracking room, but I bet even then it's still subtle.

For recording vocals or drums, that's gonna be a whole different story.