quick drum group question/helpful info required


Sound Engineer/Producer
Dec 22, 2010
San Diego
My other computer is getting repairs on it so now I am on a slower, 2gigs of ram, computer until it's finished. I started editing a project and on my drums I usually use a LOT of plugins/have a lot of tracks and I finally got them to sound how I want BUT my computer can't handle the drums + the guitar fx + bass + all the vocal tracks.

I was just wondering [for anyone who does this] are you guys getting the drums to how you like them and then:
1. Making a stereo .wav of the drums


2. Creating stems with all the effects on them [just a .wav file with the kick, and then snare, and so on]

Just trying to see what would sound the best/what everyone else is doing. Its not the multiple tracks that are slowing down the computer: it's all the damn vst plugins. Thanks for any info. :kickass:
If I was in your situation I would edit first, then consolidate all the tracks, remove unused audio from the session. Then, I would print the plugins on the individual Instruments.. Snare, Kick.. etc. That way when you get to the final mixing you can still change the volume of the snare or whatever.
If I was in your situation I would edit first, then consolidate all the tracks, remove unused audio from the session. Then, I would print the plugins on the individual Instruments.. Snare, Kick.. etc. That way when you get to the final mixing you can still change the volume of the snare or whatever.

You sir, are awesome. totally slipped my mind. thanks a lot :worship: