Quick Question about Reamping


May 28, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I read Oz's guide and I'm left with a few questions. (It's quite a complex topic for me at the moment, hopefully you guys can clear some stuff up for me)

The gear I have is a Firepod and a Boss GT-8. The question I have is if the GT-8 can substitute as a DI box or if the Firepod has any of these capabilities. (ahh I feel like a n00b at this point :cry: )

If not I was interested in the Countryman Type 85, but is that all I need? I know the Type 85 would get me through recording the dry signal, but what about actually reamping the guitar track? Do I need something else to do that as well?

Thank you guys so much for your helpfulness. The minute I came across this forum I have to say I was hooked.
a lot of guys will use the DI box backwards to reamp, but it seems like even more guys think it sounds much better to use a designated reamp box like the Radial X-amp or the Reamp. Check out the Little Labs Redeye, it's a DI box and reamp box combo. The firepod can do a DI but you need an ampsim or something to substitute for a real amp. Not sure about the GT-8, even though I have one! :lol:
a lot of guys will use the DI box backwards to reamp, but it seems like even more guys think it sounds much better to use a designated reamp box like the Radial X-amp or the Reamp. Check out the Little Labs Redeye, it's a DI box and reamp box combo. The firepod can do a DI but you need an ampsim or something to substitute for a real amp. Not sure about the GT-8, even though I have one! :lol:

Ah thank you immensely. That's precisely what I needed to know.

I actually ditched the Nevermore forum to come here. But for a sound engineer, there's a lot more brain food here anyways.

Oh also, do you guys know of any free amp modeling plugins that don't sound like a farting baby? I just need something to get by because I can't spend 250 on the redeye ATM.
the best way is the preamp out of a head and impulses, usually sounds better than any modeling stuff..

But still is no replacement for actually micing/reamping a real amp (well, both are real, but you get the idea :lol:) I always found that "little something" missing with preamp out recordings, and that's the power amp section that you bypass with that method.
I actually ditched the Nevermore forum to come here. But for a sound engineer, there's a lot more brain food here anyways.

Oh also, do you guys know of any free amp modeling plugins that don't sound like a farting baby? I just need something to get by because I can't spend 250 on the redeye ATM.
I ditched the Lamb of God forum for this place as soon as I heard Sacrament.

At one point the LoG board was the most fun and community-like forum I ever found, but then it went to total total shit after they did Ozzfest. This forum's cool but it's really not much more than production and gear talk. It serves its purpose extremely well