Quick Question..


Aug 22, 2007
I have the oppurtunity to buy Amon Amarth--Versus the world on cassette for 25$ american..is it worth it?
It doesn't seem worth it. I've never heard of Amon Amarth being on cassette and I doubt it would be collectible.
Yeah, I'd buy a copy of Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter on cassette...but not Versus, that's bullshit. Don't fucking bother.
I have the oppurtunity to buy Amon Amarth--Versus the world on cassette for 25$ american..is it worth it?

Holy fuck! I just now noticed the $25 price tag! Is that the going price for old tapes these days??

I have a bunch of old tapes somewhere that i've long been meaning to throw away, but maybe now i'll put 'em on eBay instead. Like P.T. famously remarked, "there's a sucker born every minute." :devil:
Beave - I never danced in my life. I learned how to headbang when I was about 11 or 12 years old. That was also when I realized that long hairs are essential for life.

But I have to admit that I owned a walkman. My best friend and me always recorded the Metal broadcasts on radio and shared them with each other. My, that was a time back then... Imagine. You had to meet your friends to get music and stuff. Today, you just put on your computer. I remember well when I got my frst CD in life. It was Crematory. A birthday gift from a boy who wanted to impress me. Didn't have an own CD player so I tormented my poor Mum with it. She must have hated that guy so much for that :D
Beave - I never danced in my life. I learned how to headbang when I was about 11 or 12 years old. That was also when I realized that long hairs are essential for life.

Hehe, yeah, i was just joking around with the dancing thing. For some reason that one scene in the "The Sound of Music" gets stuck in my head when I think of German girls, the one in which Julie Andrews is skipping and twirling around somewhere in the Alps, singing "The hills are alive..." :lol:

But I have to admit that I owned a walkman. My best friend and me always recorded the Metal broadcasts on radio and shared them with each other. My, that was a time back then... Imagine. You had to meet your friends to get music and stuff. Today, you just put on your computer. I remember well when I got my frst CD in life. It was Crematory. A birthday gift from a boy who wanted to impress me. Didn't have an own CD player so I tormented my poor Mum with it. She must have hated that guy so much for that :D

Ah yes, tapes do bring back some memories, don't they? :)I believe my first CD was Danzig's "How the Gods Kill."
Oh yeah...

Maybe you're not familiar with the movie "The Sound of Music." It was a "critically acclaimed" musical set in Austrian Alps. I had to watch it many times in school as a kid. I guess I got some stereotypes from it.