Quo Vadis Tour 2009 !

Chaulnes Metal Fest :
New schedule :

00h00-01h00 SADIST
22h50-23h50 QUO VADIS
21h50-22h30 The Monolith Deatcult
20h50-21h30 DEW-SCENTED
19h50-20h30 DESTINITY
18h50-19h30 ASHURA
18h00-18h30 ORAKLE
17h00-17h40 7THNEMESIS
15h20-15h50 COMO MUERTOS

=> 1 hour !! :rock::kickass::notworthy
I really hope to see you guys someday live though, unfortunately I dont think that you'll come to Finland any time soon :/
I will have several things to buy, I hope you will bring for example sweats, tour t-shirt (and/or... bass tab book :kickass:).

Despite the fact that you will have to travel a lot in your tour, I hope you won't be exhausted. Have a nice trip and see you at Chaulnes.

A photo with guys and woman you know, and me


I will definitely be there! :rock:

btw please bring some dvd's (DEFIANT INDOCTRINATION) with you, I can't find it anywhere near here! :)

The concert was great.. I also got the DVD!
Thanks for coming to Istanbul, you guys rock... :notworthy
In France, at Chaulnes Metal Fest (I will update my post, and sorry, it will be in French for the audience impressions) :

My opinion :

... (later, I have to work on my photos)

Setlist :

1) Silence Calls The Storm - 2) Absolution - 3) Break The Cycle - 4) On The Shores Of Ithaka - 5) Tunnel Effect (with a wall of death) - 6) Hunter / Killer - 7) Dead Man's Diary - 8) Point Of No Return : Mute Requiem - 9) Legions Of The Betrayed

French audience impressions :

Tomg said:
Surement un des shows les plus attendus de ce dimanche de festival pour leur date la plus proche de Paris et de tout l’ouest de la France. Le groupe prend le temps pour s’installer mais c’est pour la bonne cause, Quo Vadis avec un son gorgée de basse et avec une batterie carton ca aurait dégouté pas mal de gens… Mais rien de tout ca, le son est pas mauvais du tout, peut être un poil fort par rapport aux groupes précédents mais bien défini tout de même, avec un petit manque de basse (un comble par rapport aux groupes du début de journée…). La set list est juste énorme, puisant dans tous les albums du groupe, bien puissant, énergique, mélodique, que dire de plus ? La fosse était tout de même un peu timide, dynamitée par le wall of death demandé par les québecois : « pour cette tune si vous vous divisez pas on joue pas, that’s it ! ». Mention spéciale au mec qui faisait son circle pit tout seul et à un habitant local de Chaulnes (50 ans environ) à fond dedans qui a du en prendre un peu pour son grade en se mettant en plein dans le pit… Après une petite heure c’est déjà fini, un set qui aura paru durer 10 minutes. Un grand concert pour clôturer « notre festival ».

En effet il est déjà 1h du mat’ et mon président/chauffeur doit rentrer sur Lille, on ne verra donc pas Sadist, mais avec les claques prises avec notamment Quo Vadis on se passera sans trop de problème de ce dernier groupe, bien que culte.

BigLebowski said:
Finalement on passe la vitesse supérieure avec Quo Vadis. Gros son et gros niveau technique (le batteur de MArtyr en tete!). Très efficace mais un poil trop mélo/heavy sur certains passages...

Eizig said:
L'heure était enfin arrivée, Quo Vadis monte sur scène... Carnage total. Absolument énorme, le groupe est impressionnant de maitrise, et apparition de la seule et unique musicienne du Fest, je me dois de le souligner ! Et quelle musicienne, la bassiste/clavieriste du groupe a un talent certain ! Les morceaux s'enchainent à la vitesse de l'éclaire, un concert vraiment mémorable.
Yeah, hope it was as good at Chaulnes Metal Fest as in Golbey!
Quo Vadis played 1h30 (couldn't believe it!), the audience was mad (ca. 200 people), and the band seemed pretty happy (despite their first impressions, I guess!).
I didn't do a great job, I really can't tell what the setlist was! We'll have to wait for the videos! Bart, just ask if you want some!
We will never forget this day! It was an absolute pleasure meeting QV again, and playing on the same stage was an immense honor! Even after a 14-hour drive from Croatia, these guys had the strength to play a full-length show... unbelievable!
We hope that you enjoyed your first French show, and come back anytime!!
Rock on! :rock:
Fred/ Blame
Yeah, hope it was as good at Chaulnes Metal Fest as in Golbey!
Quo Vadis played 1h30 (couldn't believe it!), the audience was mad (ca. 200 people), and the band seemed pretty happy (despite their first impressions, I guess!).
I didn't do a great job, I really can't tell what the setlist was! We'll have to wait for the videos! Bart, just ask if you want some!
We will never forget this day! It was an absolute pleasure meeting QV again, and playing on the same stage was an immense honor! Even after a 14-hour drive from Croatia, these guys had the strength to play a full-length show... unbelievable!
We hope that you enjoyed your first French show, and come back anytime!!
Rock on! :rock:
Fred/ Blame

Hey Fred! The Golbey show was a highlight of the tour! We've never had the crowd steal our singer from stage during the set, and especialy 3 times in a row! (Thank god he had a wireless - that was amazing!)
The shows were awesome and we had a blast, the new lineup completely DESTROYS! Towards the end of the tour it felt as if we've been playing together for a decade not only a few months. We took a big chance with this tour so special thanks to everyone who came out to support us, this was a one band only tour, not a package but the attendance was comparable to 2-3 band tours and we thank you for the warm welcome and support!
We'll be back next year with the new album and ready to kick more ass! We have video from pretty much all the shows so we'll start posting soon... just let us catch our breath.
Special thanks to Caglar in Turkey for making the Turkish dates possible, everyone in Romania, Croatia and France. We can't wait to be back!

USA get ready for June, dates to be announced soon!

Else : new date :

QUO VADIS and DEAD JESUS are among the confirmed bands for the first annual Harvesting Hell Metal Open Air festival, set to take place September 4-6, 2009 on Benalto Fairgrounds in Benalto, Alberta, Canada. The event will include three days of heavy metal, performance art as well as a fine arts exhibition in relation to heavy metal culture.

The festival billing is shaping up as follows:

No Bart, I don't know the dates of your US tour, but I can try to find it. :D
I only think that you will not tour with Decrepit Birth (because they will be on Summer Slaughter Tour).

Good job on Necronomicon's album !
The production reminds me Vader's one : powerfull, precise, modern and homogeneous between all instruments.