Quotes from Progpower XIV

1. NO offense was intended to Ashes of Ares, who put on a great set...

(During Ashes of Ares)

Q: Is Soilwork going to be heavier than this?
A: This is “Disney on Ice.”

2. The guy probably said this 100 times, but I still got a kick out of it…

Security guard, after pretending to scrutinize my ID extra hard (I’m 46):

“Try to let the ink dry next time…”

3. If anyone got a full transcript of everything that Joakim said during the Sabaton set, please post it here, and we can go ahead and close this thread. :lol: Oh, how I would love to see him on stage with Jon Oliva for “ProgPower Comedy Night”.
Told to me by Lance at the airport on the way home yesterday:

"Now, only if somebody can figure out how to make a nice strong coffee without it also tasting like I just licked their ass!"
Me: "Is that a pink Hummer?"
Amber: "I think it's orange."
Me: "IT IS! It's a pink Hummer!!!"
Amber: "We have to take a picture of this!"
A few moments later...
Amber: "Hurry up and pose so I can take this picture before we get shot!"

Was it you that said it probably belonged to a gangsta'?
And I was all like, "Yeah, a gangsta' bitch."
Lol....that thing was ghetto fabulous!
"So, do you like give special sessions to musicians?"

Back story...Said musician asked me what I do for a living - which is that I am a massage therapist and a yoga instructor (for those who don't already know this). Said musician, after getting an explanation on why I was laughing rephrased to, "Do you give massages to musicians?" Much fun was had by all, and it was a great way to start off the fest (they were my first official pick up).
Best thing I heard all weekend was; "yeah but Metallica started all of this"

When I meentioned this to someone they said "has it really gotten that bad that kids think Metallica created heavy metal?"
Told to me by Lance at the airport on the way home yesterday:

"Now, only if somebody can figure out how to make a nice strong coffee without it also tasting like I just licked their ass!"

haha, close... I didn't say "Somebody" I said Starbucks :)
I believe the exact quote was "If only Starbucks could make strong coffee that doesn't taste like I'm licking someones ass!"
Some Dude in front of me during a not named band


I think myself and my party fucking died..
haha, close... I didn't say "Somebody" I said Starbucks :)

Thanks for the correction! That makes it that much more funnier. I guess that is what happens when I am still dragging ass with a headache and dreading having to go through that security there in that airport, then trying to recall it from memory a day later.
"I need to wash my butt around you guys"
Person staying in the room above ours in the Artmore - known as "Strawberry Nightwish" the rest of the weekend.
SN: OH, so did you guys hear the movie last night then?
me: the porn?
SN: Yes, because I always watch porn with my brother and Dave
SN's brother: I was just sitting on the couch in my underpants
SN: you're not helping this story
Dave's wife: that explains the blank look on Dave's face when he got back
Dave: They told me it was Imaginarium - it didn't mean what I thought

Disclaimer - there was no porn version of the Nightwish DVD actually involved these events
Paula's the prettiest beard ever!
Fish Taco
I got these hello klitty earrings for Su
I've been waiting to hear this band for like 12 years!
So, since you were born?
Best thing I heard all weekend was; "yeah but Metallica started all of this"

When I meentioned this to someone they said "has it really gotten that bad that kids think Metallica created heavy metal?"

"Black Sabbath wasn't heavy, man. They played all slow and shit, that's not metal!"