Quotes from Progpower XIV

"Black Sabbath wasn't heavy, man. They played all slow and shit, that's not metal!"

I honestly could not tell if he was just some smug indie boy making fun of heavy metal or if he was actually an idiot. It all started over him asking me if I had a copy of 'Master of Puppets' or if he could find one there. I eventually just said "get the fuck away from me".
So the background for this quote is that there were 5 of us at Steak N Shake and it was extremely early in the morning, around 4:30am or so - we were all talking about what time we were going to get up today.

Andy Laudano - I guess going to Wolverine ['s acoustic set] is out.

Me - Why, what time is that again?

Andy - 12:00pm

Me - Screw that, I'm not getting up that early.

Andy - Me neither - why should I get up at noon to go right back to sleep?
That's priceless. WTG, Andy.
"If you do that again I'll R Kelly on you!" - Random dudes taking a piss in the pisser

"Seven string guitars, they freak me the fuck out, man!" - Matt Barlow during a guitar change

"PleaselettherebetoiletpaperpleaselettherebetoiletpaperpleaselettherebetoiletpaperAHH-HAAAH!" - Dude running into the crapper
Overheard on the sidewalk on the way back to the Artmore: "Wait wait wait wait, you forgot your bassist!"
I was a little drunk at the time so I don't remember 100%

"If you're going to spoon me, I better get to spoon you":Smokedev:

Not revealing names.

"These guys just pissed all over Rhapsody of Fire"

Referring to the Rhapsody set afterwards.
After I reminded him of the infamous pants split last time:

"So my pants split at this show in Europe and I pulled my package out and was spinning it around on stage. I looked over and Snowy was dying laughing and pointing with his drumstick to the side of the stage. I forgot that my mom was there."

-Joakim of Sabaton