

Its sad really. Its on everybodies mind down here. Several of the places reported are merely minutes away from my house/job.

The other day, my wife was picking up chinese food for dinner. She told me as she was returning to her car, another chinese food patron was walking back to his car...very obviously 'dodging' gunfire..in a comical way..for his wife who was waiting for him in their car. He was purposely doing it to get a laugh from his wife...but it just cements the underlying point. Everybody has it on their mind..and only brevity will keep us sane.

You would not believe how many cop cars I see patrolling parking lots now...but it only makes you feel somewhat safe.

Thanks for the concern.
It is scary. Things like this leave me searching for words. I posted a comment about the Syphon Filter game in the game thread and those words keep running through my head every time I hear some "expert" profiler say this person may be acting out a video game.:(

Whoever this person is, I wish the police would stop challenging him. They refuse to give him any credit for his ability to do what he's done. Maybe that's what their profile of these types tell them to do but it seems like every time they open their mouths and challenge him he proves that he can do it.

Stay safe Rabies.