Racial views, anyone?


Warrior spirit
Apr 4, 2002
Under nordlyset
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Just wondering, since we're all a tolerant bunch, doesen't anyone here have ANY racial views?

I'll be the first one to present myself as a racist.
In my views, there are 4 human races on the planet.
-There's homo sapiens. That's your average human, whom I btw detest, because of all the shit they deliberately do towards nature.
Then, there are the 2 sub-branches worth mentioning.
-Norwegians, whom I also detest. These are a weaker breed of homo sapien, who do not only deliverately destroy nature, but also sit ignorant and watch other 'sapiens (mainly their own politicians) destroy their culture. They originate all over the world, but are unfortunately based in Norway, where most of them also belong as far as heritage goes. These norwegians are remote descendents from the first
-Northmen. Still alive and kicking today, the first of the two races I do not detest. Many devolved into norwegians due to laid-back imported lifestyles, and the fact that they never bothered standing up anymore. Northmen care for the enviroment, at least to a certain degree. They oppose what is wrong. They originate, obviously, in Norway, Sweden and Iceland, and are the closest to what was once globally known and feared as vikings, but are spread all across the world today.
-Finally, there's homo superior. These are humans that have evolved from Northmen, and are basically the same, only yet more cunning and independent. Not much to say about them, only that they are in fact superior.

Now, take into consideration that I have not based any of my classifications on skin colour, body build or any pathetic shit like that. I'm being objective, and judge and class humans by their actions and attitudes. Think of that before you judge me.

EDIT: some typos, hirr....
I won't lie and say I don't have some prejudice views, because I do.

What I can't stand is a person who goes around and claims to be so pure as to not have any 'prejudice' views. I could care less who you are, and what you say...somewhere inside WE ARE ALL guilty of some negative views on others. This does not by any means make a person racist.

I personally don't HATE anyone based on their culture...race, religion, sexual orientation or any B.S. like that. Truth be told I dislike everyone equally.

Every culture has something good to offer, and at the same time has some negative qualities. But who am I to judge who's better?
Originally posted by Lordenlil
OMG - You have started a dangerous game here, Vanir!
If anyone really want to see me fire off my points of view in a discussion like this,
go here:

I have to agree with some of the things you have said there...
I don't want to be racial, but I know I have SOME racial thoughts.
And this goes to race and colour, not the way Vanir does
his racial stuff! hehe... >:eek:P

Immigrants come to Norway, and get twice as much money
from the state than a poor student or a Norwegian let's say
single mother of three.... I understand that they need help
to get on their feet, but please, get them into some Norwegian
class. How can you survive in a country if you don't know
the language?

The only language they understand is the money-language,
something I experience every fucking day! THIS is where
I am racial!

At work, Norwegians, and "white" people in general act "normal"
and if there seems to be a price that is wrong they will ask,
but all coloured people, except chineese, ask about the prize
on every single item they are going to buy. I am honest!
No lie at all! EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!! You have to believe me!
hehehe... It's funny as hell! And it takes up so much time! >:eek:P
I wonder why they do it...

It's like there is a bag of teacandles on sale. And people
see two prizes, one says 19 and the other says 21, if the
candles actually cost 21 they won't buy it! hehehe...
Hello?! It's 100 candles in the bag, it's a 2 kroner diff, did
you really need the candles if you can't afford two extra
kroner?!??! Hehehe... This makes me laugh so hard! :eek:)))

But, other than that I am not racial. You are born with a colour.
Two of my best friends are coloured... Hell, one is a muslim,
we have huge discussions on religion and I love it. What
I love though is that they are open minded as well. I guess
I am racial when it comes to people who are narrowminded.

One more thing, coloured people are racial too. At work I have
to check everything so that people don't steal. So if people
buy a trashcan I will look down in it to check if there is anything
there.... Just the way I am told to work. Well, coloured people
go "Just cause I'm black it doesn't mean I'll steal anything."
But I guess they experience so much shit during the day
that they get sick of it as well..... :eek:/

Opsi, long post :eek:P
Originally posted by Vanir
Hrm, blackspirit, you can't say "ALL" coloured people. That's totally wrong.

I'm honest! I knew you wouldn't believe me!
But I am 100% on this! Eps. now that it's a sale
where I work people are going nuts! There is
never ONE coloured that goes through without
asking about the prizes and tell me to list
everything they have bought. I know it sounds
extreme, and it is, but it's also the truth. I offer
you to come and watch me work! It's just
totally nuts!!! hehe....

There is an exeption, and it's the chineese and
Korean. And of course the people that have
been adopted, which you notice by listening to
their language :eek:)

This might be something that is usual in the
countries that they come from? I haven't
travelled all too much so I don't know.... I guess
I'll have to now! Hehe...
I'm cool, I'm cool!!! Surfing along... being cool! ;)

Like I said, I worked in this electronics shop... I know what u
mean! Fortunately I got to be a salesman there instead....
but then I learned they wanted ALL the info on a product... even
if it was just a little stupid cheap box. That IS annoying if it gets
too much.... Most Norwegians don't care. Maybe they care too
little - dunno?

Well well
Originally posted by Vanir
Maybe down there, but up here ,most of the foreigners are more "cool" than your average norwegian.

Ya! I agree! Where I used to live, in the south of Norway
it's different. The thing is that the state failed when the
immigrants started coming to Norway. Instead of "spreading
them out" they put them all in Oslo and Drammen. They
thought it was a good idea cause they like being together.

But now they have admitted that it was one of their biggest
mistakes! They flock together instead of "mixing" and trying
to understand our culture as we try to understand theirs.

I think that people who are alone are more open minded,
when you have a whole gang of people just like you, why
change? Why understand others? Why work when you
get money from the state?

Of course Norway fucks up when it comes to giving immigrants
work as well! A person that is a doctor in Pakistan is now
washing floors and toilets! What's up with that?! At least
he/she could be a nurse, cause we are in desperate need
of nurses! They are well above quallified, if only they knew
the language! :eek:/
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Immigrants come to Norway, and get twice as much money
from the state than a poor student or a Norwegian let's say
single mother of three.... I understand that they need help
to get on their feet, but please, get them into some Norwegian
class. How can you survive in a country if you don't know
the language?
Opsi, long post :eek:P

Exactly!!!!!! It's the same here in Canada, (as I'm sure it is everywhere else for that matter). But you know where the problem lies? Ok so maybe a lot of immigrants are ignorant when it comes to adapting to new cultures...but who's really to blame?? I'd say it's the govornment of the country taking in the immigrants! If they had strick policies (#1 being language)...we'd be one step ahead of where we are now. I lived in Toronto for 2 years (the largest city in Canada) and let me tell you, being 'white' means being a minority. It's pretty cool to see all these cultures living in one city though, but it also comes with many problems. (Language being the biggest!) How fucking insulting is it when you live in a country that has TWO official languages, yet people working in customer services can't answer you in EITHER of them!?
Originally posted by Vanir
Norwegians don't care. That's just it. They should have been Northmen, so we could rule the world!

If we only lived in those days, Vanir.. aaaaah!

I'm sure we'd be dead by now (and I'm referring to our personal
age). We'd have helmets with BIG detachable drinking horns!
(referring to image 1, below)
How fucking cool!!!!!

And if it was today, it would be no racism in the country. Only
between us and the rest of the world. Great!!!


Image 1 - Viking