Rage Mosh Pit

It was a very weak mosh pit. One that shouldn't have existed at all.

I am sure pictures of it specificly are few and far between. As a lot of people left before RAGE went on (and missed arguably the best show of the festivle) and I can't imagine the mosh pit was something anyone would care to have taken a picture of.
That was the most entertaining thing about Rage. The mosh pit had this one guy who kept crashing into this guy who was really trying to watch Rage. he was the instigator until this really big Andre The Giant got in there and mopped him up.
Angrafan said:
The mosh was really fun.. It was a good old clean mosh pit, not that violent non sense it's become these days...
I beg to disagree there - the guy with the piercings, the Iron Maiden T-shirt and the bandana on his head was not just mosing with his friends. I'll post some photos this evening.
chazzyf said:
I beg to disagree there - the guy with the piercings, the Iron Maiden T-shirt and the bandana on his head was not just mosing with his friends. I'll post some photos this evening.

I totally agree - that guy was a disgrace to the rest of the moshers! There are two very simple rules I can think of when it comes to moshing: don't try to hurt anyone and leave the people who don't want in the pit alone. This guy broke both consistently. Plus, he tried to start numerous fights with people in the crowd and outside afterwards. Bottom line: that guy was a loser and a coward.
i agree, that one guy with the bandana was being a total douche and was flicking people off and trying to get everyone into the mosh when they were more interested in watching the band.