Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage!!!!!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
BOLD move putting these guys in as headliners... A TRIUMPH FOR HEAVY FUCKING METAL.

If you don't like Rage, you're wrong.

If you don't know Rage, they have 324908239042390 albums and most were re-released just last year with tons of bonus material, so get going.


BUT THE ULTIMATE... the Helloween lineage was almost completely just shut down this year. SCORE!

Now if we could just squeeze out the Dream Theater lineage next year too then I'd start living under Glenn's bed.

Nightwish, Rage, Mercenary.... *happy happy*

Not familiar with Redemption or Circle II Circle at ALL...
Hey Jim,

You should post that thing that Erik Ravn (of Wuthering Heights) said about Rage in LotFP, as it was absolutely dead-on perfect. I was thinking I should put that paragraph on a bumper sticker or something.

Actually, I'm pleasantly surprised this far that there haven't been many people saying "Rage? Who? Why are they headlining?", so maybe everyone already knows how much Rage rules.

skyrefuge said:
Hey Jim,

You should post that thing that Erik Ravn (of Wuthering Heights) said about Rage in LotFP, as it was absolutely dead-on perfect. I was thinking I should put that paragraph on a bumper sticker or something.

Actually, I'm pleasantly surprised this far that there haven't been many people saying "Rage? Who? Why are they headlining?", so maybe everyone already knows how much Rage rules.


Ravn: "! I love RAGE, it’s one of my favorite bands, but they’re only getting better and better every fucking record, you know? It’s the strongest lineup they’ve ever had. A band I really respect for their songwriting. It’s hard to talk to people about RAGE, it’s hard to explain what the fascination is. What do they do? They play heavy metal. It’s hard to explain that they do it better than everybody else. They make one great song after another, without any gimmicks."

You'd get rear ended a lot with all that on a bumper sticker.
Unity was one fo the best, if not the best realease, in the metal over the past two years. Black in Mind is also one of the bets metal albums of all time. Rage rulez!!!!!!!!!!!! They were the band I wanted to see the most at ProgPower (followed by Grave Digger and Children of Bodom).
As Rage would say "You're going down". hehehe.
I agree with Hail and Kill. Tight on Rage. An utter dissapointment that they are headlining this great festival. Oh well, I guess Evergry will by my headliner on Saturday night!