Ragnarokkr 2014 Running Order


Sep 30, 2005
I saw mike posted the running order a while back but I figured I would post it here for you guys as well. Set times are pretty much done...a few things here and there have to be double checked but here is the order of the bands each day and stage....


MAINSTAGE.......................................SECOND STAGE
1. Mystery Band................................1. Iron Will
2. Amulance..................................... 2. Skull Hammer
3. Night Demon.................................3. Dogbane
4. Diamond Rexx............................... 4. Dark Design
5. Axxion........................................ 5. Lady Beast
6. The Skull listening party..................6. Skeptor
7. Picture .......................................7. Power Theory
8. Riot V


MAINSTAGE......................................... SECOND STAGE
1. Visigoth..........................................1. Razor Fist
2. Witches Mark...................................2. Spare Change
3. Axemaster......................................3. Midnite Hellion
4. Crowhaven.......................................4. Eternal Champion
5. Black Death Resurrected....................5. Possessor
6. Argus.............................................6. Seax
7. Voltax............................................7. Ravish
8. Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper

side note......

- The Skull listening party is just a short thing during set up between the bands with music playing over the P.A. Members of The Skull will be at the show if you want stuff signed. Crazy things have happened so you never know though.

- With the last bands on second stage...they will play longer since they are playing against the co-headliner for most of their sets. I know Ravish as stated they will do 15 minutes of originals during the mainstage set up and then do various cover songs for a while during Voltax and then when Voltax finishes they will do 15 minutes more of originals. Power Theory will also play longer since they are playing against Picture. I suggested they could even play for 30 minutes and then take a short break and check out Picture and then come back and play some more in between the set ups on main stage. We will see how it all works out.

- The main stage start time is 5:30 each day. The second stage each day will start at 5:45. The times will be staggered so you can literally catch parts of each band if you really wanted to. We tried to make it where we didn't have another Borrowed Time / Winterhawk vs Gates of Slumber / Shok Paris again.

- Almost all the bands merch will be up in the balcony as well now...it got to crowded by the hallway this year. Second stage bands will be in the second stage room. Some who are coming for both days my put stuff up in the balcony on days they are not playing.

- If things go smooth like in the past...it won't get out past 1 AM each night.
Also we are working on a after party type thing on the saturday night after for anyone who just wants to hang out and drink and socialize after the fest.

- Also trying to see if anyone is wanting to have a pre dinner thing on saturday around 3:30ish at the Music Joint Room. It would be something more for the out of towners who have no where to go during the day if they are not out sightseeing and stuff.

Anyone have any issues or questions???
I know it has been said but Amulance deserve to be at least higher than Axxion on that night.

yeah, the reasoning behind this is that with them playing early there is hopes more locals will come to see them. I already argued in great lengths about this with mike and sadly this is the final way it is going to be. I think they would be fantastic right before Picture. Much more material and they deserve a great crowd.
We tried to make it where we didn't have another Borrowed Time / Winterhawk vs Gates of Slumber / Shok Paris again.

YES!! That F*CKING sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saw all of WH and Gates, but only was able to see a couple songs of BT and SP.

I know it's impossible to avoid......

I would maybe recommend putting the headliner and co-headliner merch in the main hallway and everyone else upstairs.

That's the merch that will generate most of the "gawking" so to speak, so if they had the whole area it will spread out the people more.

Just a thought........

I agree with what Pat says too about Amulance, but like last year, there were locals in the room earlier because of Paradoxx and Wrath, so I see both sides.

This year for me personally is a complete flip flop of last year.
I will be spending a lot more time in the main room than the music joint.

In a way it kinda stinks since I am sure I will be missing out on some younger bands I am not familiar with but there's bands on the main stage I don't wanna miss either.
for me on saturday I will be in the second stage room for most of the day right after Visigoth. I really want to see Midnite Hellion, Eternal Champion, and Possessor. Then I will be flip flopping during sets.
I'm going to be cosplaying as Elric for Eternal Champion's set and the rest of the day. Be sure you duders buy me LOTS of beer so I can make another fool of myself at this festival. I mean, Jeff and I already plan on being sloppy right when we wake up. It's gonna be a shitshow.

But yeah, not too pleased that I have to dipset on Visigoth to catch the last of Razorfist.
I'm going to be cosplaying as Elric for Eternal Champion's set and the rest of the day. Be sure you duders buy me LOTS of beer so I can make another fool of myself at this festival. I mean, Jeff and I already plan on being sloppy right when we wake up. It's gonna be a shitshow.

But yeah, not too pleased that I have to dipset on Visigoth to catch the last of Razorfist.

I know....I wish Visigoth were playing later in the day actually.