Random CD Listening


Working on #3
Jan 26, 2004
NH/ME Border
Ok. I've got a 5-disc cd player and 7 Opeth cds. The house is empty for the day and I feel like listening to Opeth all day. Which 2 cds do I leave out? Rather, which 2 do you leave out? I will wait awhile before I post my choices...
You're just going to have to suck it up. :grin: When the first five cds are done playing, replace two with the other two... Unless you are planning on placing it on random... in which case you are screwed. I think maybe Orchid and Deliverance. I think Damnation is a must because you might need a little change of pace. But damn, I'd wanna hear By The Pain I see In Others... I think you should go and buy a 7+ disc changer and your problem would be solved. If not, then I'd go and seek the help of a professional. A professional...music type...guy....who knows stuff...about music...picking...errr... Anyhow I only have a ONE disc changer. so...I would have to work ever-so-hard at changing the cds ALL day long. Or I could all the Mp3s on a playlist and I wouldn't have to leave the couch all day. ;)
well, i think both Orchid and Morningrise make up for what they lack in songwriting and originality with their atmosphere, and that makes them just as good as any of their other albums. i said Morningrise because it's the most, shall we say, "exhausting" listen. and Damnation mostly because when i finished listening to it i didn't get that "whoa, i just heard an Opeth album" feeling i get after listening to their others.
Ok. I left out Orchid and Damnation. Orchid - I know this is sacrilege, but - I am just having a hard time getting into that album. Damnation is a great album, but it is so different from the others, and I get enough slow songs from the others.

I was surprised (and relieved) to see so many people say Orchid.

Thanks for your responses.
Start at Orchid, then when you're done with Blackwater Park, put in Deliverence and Damnation, then watch the DVD. It will allow to see how they proggressed as artists.