random chat thread

Heh Dib, good to see you are allright mate!
What an Earthquake, very powerful, in fact more powerful than the one in Haiti! But I read the damages and casualties could have been much worse especially in Santiago! Thats good...
The most powerful quake ever recorded happened in Chile 50 years ago...9.5 on the richters scale WOAH. And 2-3 years ago there has been a huge volcanic eruption in Chile...mount Chaitan...

Hopefully mother Earth will leave you alone for a while now...
Yeah, thats true, unfortunately Haiti takes the worst part in the situation, even when the earthquake was more powerful here. This is mainly because the constructions (Chile is not a 1º world country you know, but Haiti is very very very poor)

And yeah, again, hahaha, the 9.5 earthquake was in the south, and as i know, was very devastating and tsunamis also took towns... the thing now is that the earthquake takes place in a much more populated zone... that sucks

And again, yes hahaha, i know Chaiten and was a very fucking beautiful place, like all the south of the country you know, a lot and very varied vegetation, lakes and rivers... also in fauna. And a very small town, wood constructions, people who lived from what the ground offers... very romantic. Eruption takes all, and now people are coming again to their place, against what the goverment says, and i understand them, they have all in that town so i think its not easy leave all your past...

now a lot of people remains missing, but also people have been found and that continues, thats great... now, Concepcion is out of light, water and in some places, gas... so people got insane and takes supermarkets by assault... somes needs priority things but also you can see the worst side of human, you don't need plasma TVs or electronic stuff to survive this situation, TV press comes to that people and they responded very violent... FAIL! hahahaha

@ KrgFn: also read about the Xynthia storm, and what a fucking desaster!... great that nothing happened to your family and you

thanks for the interest! :kickass:

hahahahaha i like that noose and vomiting cat and dog... and obviously the curtain and the blood bath mat :kickass:
MJ, this link is beyond funny, thanks to you, I managed to incapacitate 50 persons at work since they were laughing too hard to even think.
