Random Computer Freezes and Lockups

Josh M.

Jul 11, 2009
Last week I was on the net and my computer just froze, with no warning. The screen kept the same image, none of the input devices did anything. I started up my computer again (after the computer wouldn't even pass the POST) and it happened again. Same deal with the other installation on my dual boot. So I thought this had something to do with the BIOS.

I started up the computer once more and entered the BIOS. I loaded the defaults (in case anything had changed) and eventually even the BIOS froze. The computer ran fine without one of the RAM sticks in but experience memory leaks. Thinking it was to do with either the RAM or motherboard's DIMM slots I took it back to the shop as the warranty was still available. They ran tests and returned it saying nothing was wrong.

Now I'm trying to work on a song in Pro Tools (with a fair amount of instruments) and it just keeps locking up.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong? Has anybody had similar problems? What fixed them?

From the descryption it must be hardware issue. Could be CPU overheating.
Try disconnecting all the non-essential hardware (extra ram, non-OS HDs, USB stuff, etc) and see if it solves. If so, then just connect back each one at a time to see who´s the fault. The whackier problems I ever had with computers had to do with overheating or memory. Sometimes even too much dust on the coolers can produce the weirdest glitches and slow the computer down.
Alright, thanks man I'll try that stuff. I ran memtest86 (RAM testing bootable CD) and it returned no errors but when I take one stick of ram out, the computer will run without any problems, except for a leak as I mentioned earlier. Something to do with the motherboard perhaps?
It works when there is only one stick installed, but does it only work with a certain one? e.g. You have stick A & B, AB and BA won't work, but A(slot1), A(slot2), B(slot1), or B(slot2) alone all will? I'm sure you're well aware, but since you didn't mention explicitly, I'll state the obvious: Are both sticks compatible with the motherboard slots? and is there some sort of weird speed/capacity mismatch between the two that the memory controller might not like?
It works when there is only one stick installed, but does it only work with a certain one? e.g. You have stick A & B, AB and BA won't work, but A(slot1), A(slot2), B(slot1), or B(slot2) alone all will? I'm sure you're well aware, but since you didn't mention explicitly, I'll state the obvious: Are both sticks compatible with the motherboard slots? and is there some sort of weird speed/capacity mismatch between the two that the memory controller might not like?

That's correct they work on their own but not with each other. They are the same brand and exact same models but I just assumed they were compatible with the board as I bought it pre-built from a PC shop. I will check the compatibility.

You could have a power supply problem also. That causes all sorts of weird things to happen.
You could have a power supply problem also. That causes all sorts of weird things to happen.

I've read that several times; I'll have to buy a new one to even see if that's the case, but I was gonna get a new one.

I'm not so sure that it's memory anymore as even a single stick causes lockups.

I didn't mention earlier - One installation in my dual boot is working fine now, it's only my audio one the has problems; probably because of higher demand on resources...

It's really pissing me off. :mad:
I have a similar problem on my laptop as well. More times than not it's iTunes, Guitar Pro 6, or Reaper that causes it to shit itself. Sometimes it just locks up and keeps the same image as you said, and other times the screen can do really odd things. Made a thread about it here, and posted a pic of the screen at it's funkiest.

I also ran a Memtest with no errors, but haven't AB'ed the RAM sticks yet because ::knock on wood:: it's been behaving for a little while being I've had it on light duty. I was thinking it may be the video card, but when it crashes it's usually trying to process some type of audio so I'm really at a loss.

Out of curiosity what type of computer do you have?
Out of curiosity what type of computer do you have?


Gigabyte G31M-ES2L Mobo
Intel Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
4 GB RAM DDR2 800mhz
nVidia 8400GS
2 x SATA Hard Drives @ 7200 RMP
Running dual boot Windows 7

Usually it's worked very well for what it's used for. When Pro Tools freezes the CPU has only been at like 2 or 3% and my memory at 2GB used. It's puzzling me because it seems that the system's resources are handling it, but then it just crashes.

I'll call the shop where I bought it again. The only advice they gave me was to reinstall Windows - but since this freeze can happen in the BIOS menu too, it would appear that it's hardware related.
Do you have the ram setup properly in the bios? I had issues once were the 'auto' setting in the bios was setting my ram timings improperly and also set the speed wrong. Anytime the ram would get hit up hard it would crash the system. Once I manually set the ram to the manufactures specs, it all worked good.
Fml. I'm getting shit like this too, except it's only happened three times. After a couple of hours of use, I get intermittent freezing and stuttering. It freezes for like 5 secs where the mouse can move but nothing else and then I can do stuff but audio and video stutter and glitch. Then it freezes again pretty much every 30 secs or so. Ran memtest and Seatools with no errors. It happened for the first time a week ago and after it did it again, I restored my system to a day before and then it did it again yesterday. New hardware from this summer except the vid card which is from a year ago.
Do you have the ram setup properly in the bios? I had issues once were the 'auto' setting in the bios was setting my ram timings improperly and also set the speed wrong. Anytime the ram would get hit up hard it would crash the system. Once I manually set the ram to the manufactures specs, it all worked good.

Thanks man, I'll definately try that.

Also gonna check my hard drives as I have one relatively new one which is only accessed by my Audio boot.
Alright, so the shop suggested I don't dual boot from one drive; I decided to go a single installation on the drive and my random general use lockups are gone.

Now the problem's only happening in Pro Tools 9 but only in sessions where I am using East West Play (the free edition). When I try and update Play, the installer just stops on "calculating space requirements" or something similar so I guess I just can't use it.

I am still concerned that it's something to do with my RAM, or at least hardware, though. It just doesn't make sense for the problem to be with Play when I am experiencing the exact same symptoms I originally had.

Anybody have any thoughts?

EDIT: And my BIOS doesn't give me those RAM settings :mad:
Its definitely a hardware issue if you are locking in BIOS. If you can pull a stick of ram and the issue goes away then you've found the culprit even if memtest86 doesn't indict it. Both of Wolfeman's suggestions are very valid, even with auto-comp there are some ram vendors that are less than compliant on timing and can cause issues like this. It's also possible the ram is overheating. Are you overclocking at all? I'd recommend just biting the bullet and getting a new stick.

As for the dual boot clearing issues, did you reinstall or ghost the partition to take the full drive? If you reinstalled its not a fair comparison since you could have cleared a driver that was causing the issue.
Its definitely a hardware issue if you are locking in BIOS. If you can pull a stick of ram and the issue goes away then you've found the culprit even if memtest86 doesn't indict it. Both of Wolfeman's suggestions are very valid, even with auto-comp there are some ram vendors that are less than compliant on timing and can cause issues like this. It's also possible the ram is overheating. Are you overclocking at all? I'd recommend just biting the bullet and getting a new stick.

As for the dual boot clearing issues, did you reinstall or ghost the partition to take the full drive? If you reinstalled its not a fair comparison since you could have cleared a driver that was causing the issue.

I just did a clean install...so I guess I screwed that one up. And now pulling one stick of RAM doesn't completely cut the problem. As I've said it doesn't just randomly lockup in the middle of web browsing or anything general anymore, purely Pro Tools; but since it's the same symptoms I'm hoping it's the same cause.

I'm not overclocking or anything like that and when checking system temperatures they all seem to be in the safe range. I should be taking the computer back to the shop (again) today and hope that they can find which piece of hardware is causing the problem - I'm pretty confident it's hardware - but last time they just ran a few tests and said that there was nothing wrong with it. They didn't even ask how to recreate the problem :err:.

Anyway, thanks for the help so far guys. :)