Your first computer memories


It's writable 'memory' was a fucking audio cassette tape. >_<

I still have this computer - I got it when I was about 5 years old.
Commodore Vic 20. It had a whole 3.5k of available ram. I would type in programs out of the back of magazines such as "Compute!" ....and then spend about 10 times longer trying to figure out where the typos were so the damn program would run.

I tell you this: I picked up a serious set of editing skills as a result & still use the fundamentals I learned to this very day.

Second computer: Commodore 64. What a great machine. So popular, too. Loads of programs. In fact, I met my wife by trading games with her.
Mine was pretty shitty but at least I guess it wasn't some archaic shit like some other guys had to use... but I do remember it BARELY ran an emulation of the original Castlevania... now my computer can run Crysis on Max graphics mode and highest res , I've come a long way.
086 with a black and yellow display. By the way, were any of you into dial-up BBS'ing back in the day?

Commodore Vic 20. It had a whole 3.5k of available ram. I would type in programs out of the back of magazines such as "Compute!" ....and then spend about 10 times longer trying to figure out where the typos were so the damn program would run.

I still have a Vic 20 stashed away somewhere. I dug it out a couple of years ago, downloaded some game ROM's off the interwebz, converted them into WAV's, hooked up my soundcard to a home stereo, inserted a blank C cassette in the stereo, hit record and played back the short burst of beeps and whistlings from the computer. Hey presto, pirated games for the Vic 20! :)
trying to think back now..
My dad's was an I.T technician before he became a manager; so ive been exposed to computers a lot throughout my life.
I recall going into his office and there being this big arse mainframe thiing with massive tapes.
something like this

then i vaguely recall playing commodore 64 round a friends.
and naturally playing Nes. Hours spent on duck hunt and turtles... seriously.
Then at school we had some of these monstrosities.

i was a dos wizz in those days.
then we also had some slightly more interesting computers like this...

it was shit.
and this

which was surprisingly advanced; so much so i think that the kids barely used them.
then in the schools computer room. we had a veritable feast of technology. 386 dx's with dos and Win 3.1 OH YEAH!
I still distinctly remember being assigned my own floppy disk at school. A 5 1/4. one of the ones that REALLY is FLOPPY.
If you were lucky and got in early at lunchtime you could live the dream with this beautiful machine.

what a dreamer. so many good games,
chase HQ, outrun... i could go on.

But slightly before those and the most dear to my heart; the thing that always reminds me of my youth was.....

the amiga 500.
Man i could go on about it... playing monkey island on this for months... literally. took me and my sister a year to complete.
Then monkey island two which had i think about 19 floppy disks... boy was that tiresome.

click click click
"insert disk 4 of 19"
click click click
"insert disk 18 of 19"
shortly after I remember my dad getting his first laptop and doing the following
cd doom

after that at my secondary school, There were apples everywhere. With hindsight i'm glad i got an education into how they worked, as i love them so damn much. but man was i confused.
when i first stared the place was filled with gems such as the macinstosh colour classic.

which was an awesome machine.
we also had some macintosh 2's and the blazingly fast performas in various incarnations. Tower/allinone.

then one day we came back to school to find these....

man those things were ace.

Thats about as interesting as it gets.. I've rabitted on enough.
My dad bought a computer when I was like 3 years old (so 20 years ago), payed 10.000 DM (so today like 10.000 &#8364;)
and he still uses it (he is a Master of Engineering), you're not able to connect a mouse to it
and there's a little display that shows with how much mhz it works at the moment, most of the time 33...

When I was 6 he bought a new computer with windows 3.11, we played Sam&Max and Day of the Tentacle
all day long.
It was a 386. I remember playing Test Driver and Strip Poker. At that time I only entered on Windows to use PaintBrush and play SkiFree. Those old pc cases are amazing, with that TURBO button. I wonder if I can still get one to put a superfast computer inside. I would love to have that ultra retro style on my bedroom.

ps: Raptor was awesome, but the "vertical shooter" that I played the most was Tyrian.

Do you know dude, the turbo button actually slowed it down as the turbo was engaged already :lol: Thats what my mate told me the other day at work anyhow- 386 was before my computer days.

I arrived for the atari ST, then was about 11 when I got a SNES- and I tell you if I had anything in my balls back then it would have splurged at the graphics of Donkey Kong Country!
Second computer: Commodore 64. What a great machine. So popular, too. Loads of programs. In fact, I met my wife by trading games with her.

Ha those days were awesome, I miss em. Load "*" ,8,1 haha. My first computer was a C64. I convinced my dad to buy the modem and I used to visit BBS's and do other crazy shit. Back then you could dial numbers to computer systems and 'hack' all sorts of stuff. And all the 'scene' stuff was fun.

I moved up to a C128 after that, and then on to the high end Amiga systems with semi decent GUI's. I remember when DOS started becoming popular, I hated it, but even back then it was kinda seen as a necessity to give in to it, since it was what was going to be the future.

I also had to mess around on Apple II's since that's what we had in school. Anyone remember having to give coordinates to the 'turtle' that would draw lines on the screen? I hated that shit.
One fond memory of the C-64 days: WASTELAND.


What an amazing game. My best friend and I spent a couple of years on it, before we finally beat it. (ok, my adventure gaming skill has increased slightly over the years) So addictive, so frustrating.

For those of you who don't know, Wasteland was what the Fallout series was based on. It was a "spiritual successor."

Still, I'd love to see someone recreate Wasteland for the PC, as they did "Bard's Tale." oh hell, there's another can of worms....

Hey, did anyone play ELITE back then? One of my all-time favorite games. I'm still waitng for Jumpgate 2 to come out, kinda like ELITE on hyper-steroids.