Random/Funny/inspirational/etc quotes thread

"We missed school today Butthead."

"Not like we were going to learn anything anyway Beavis." - Beavis and Butthead

I am afraid that the Death Star will be quite operational before your friends arrive." - Me talking to my friends, refering to my gas problem after eating at Taco Bell.

There is a civil war going on between my colon and my intestines and the toilet is about to get nuked as collateral damage." - Another colorful way of saying I have to take a huge crap.
Me - So are you going to see Bodom and Dimmu?
My guitarist - Yeah, but I have to sell to of my pedals to get the money
Me - Which ones?
My guitarist - My effects processor and my Yngwie Stomp Pedal.
Me - Yngwie stomp pedal?
My guitarist - Yeah, its gay. I automatically gain pounds, a heroin addiction, and love men as soon as a I turn it on.
while talking about Agent Orange and its effect on the vietnam war
Scott-"Theres no need to have a chemical that continues to stick and burn the skin long after the jobs done"
Babin-"There's no need not to have it"
Yup a doodle. Bit of a random quote for ya - "I can't imagine mastering the skills involved here without a clearer understanding of who's going to be impressed." Thank you God for Calvin and Hobbes!
The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.' - George Carlin
"It's midnight in Montana and I can't get my dick out of this cow."

"Your love ran down my leg and now you're gone."

"I never fucked a 10. Never fucked a 10. But one night, I fucked five 2's. And I think that oughta count for something."

-George Carlin

"I wish I never got into this mess."
"Well you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first."

-Burgess Meredith

"This town is like a great big pu$$y just waiting to get f*cked."


"Ray, when someone asks you if your a god, you say YES!"

"Alright, this chick is toast!"


PS: Whoever quoted Bret Hart gets a lot of credit in my book