Random link thread

Malis said:
for u PC newbies theres no need to fear such crash links:
i dont have anti-popup
i just ctr+alt+del its ass:

end processes/ IEXPLORE.EXE

simple. :Saint:

That's exactly the thing I did the first time it happened to me.
Nevertheless, there are some sites on which a pop-up killer may be helpful.
I'll explain it simply..
The processes it asks you to perform can only lead you to a few answers. For example, any number from 10 to 19 will give you 9; any number from 20 to 29 will give you 18, and so on.. so there's only 9 possible answers and it simply gives those 9 numbers the same symbol.. so no matter what you pick it already has a symbol set up for all the possible answers.
To make it look magical it changes the symbol each time.
Hey all !
Download this from kazaa:

:lol: Rule Polish techno music :lol:

BodomiC: I don't want offend you! I like it:grin: