What's worse than a forum full of newfags?


Skull Kid
Oct 12, 2007
Clock Town Behavior: Pretty good -Syuri
A forum full of oldfags who keep bitching about how this forum:

"has gone to hell"
"is nothing like it used to be"
"will never be the same"
"is a pile of alexi-worshipping shit"





Didn't I used to called you Arexi Waiho because you painted your nails black and dance around in camo pants? What happened to happy little kid who was one of the most tolerable fanboys I had ever come across on this forum? Must be the year of the crying dragon...
This forum:

"has gone to hell"
"is nothing like it used to be"


"will never be the same"

False, but very likely. If the majority of kids smartened the fuck up we could have some fun.

"is a pile of alexi-worshipping shit"

That's On-Topic.

Aw well, why did all the little kids get so offended and now on the attack after a few comments made by some members.
inb4 100 more replies perpetuating this argument, which from my lurking, hasn't even been mentioned outside of 1 thread. Why are you kids acting like it's in every post?
You know what Black Core? As long as you don't start all that MIMA shit again, I don't think I'll have a problem with you at all. Old posters coming back is always good.

and again someone else brings it up.

Notice that not once I brought it up myself :Smug:
Well to be honest you have yet to delete the quote from Tut in your sig and the "Sir MIMA" under your name. Also considering that it's what you're most notorious for, you can't blame us really :p
Didn't I used to called you Arexi Waiho because you painted your nails black and dance around in camo pants? What happened to happy little kid who was one of the most tolerable fanboys I had ever come across on this forum? Must be the year of the crying dragon...

Must be. If only I was more tolerable... DISAPPOINTEDFACE.

Aw well, why did all the little kids get so offended and now on the attack after a few comments made by some members.

I'm not offended. The content/purpose of those kinds of posts are trivial and only serve to pad the self-worth of those posters. It's as if oldfag is so disappointed with his current bullshit of a life that he must dwell on the past and bring it up as often as possible to make him feel like he was once part of something great. Sad.

inb4 100 more replies perpetuating this argument, which from my lurking, hasn't even been mentioned outside of 1 thread. Why are you kids acting like it's in every post?

It's not in every post, but it seems to be a re-occurring theme every three to four weeks. Why are you adults acting like it's nonexistent?