What's worse than a forum full of newfags?

A forum full of oldfags who keep bitching about how this forum:

"has gone to hell"
"is nothing like it used to be"
"will never be the same"
"is a pile of alexi-worshipping shit"


>implying anyone gives a fuck what you think
Re-using old pics over and over and thinking that you are funny is pretty cool. So were the old days of Cobot filled with even more totally-cool images that serve as 90% of the function of each of your posts? So original and funny rite. /b/ <333333333333333333333333333333333 leleloeleoelelol

>implying anyone gives a fuck what you think

:lol: Give him credit. In between my final scramble to finish my last few assignments, he trolled me pretty good. Now I put him on ignore. In fact I ignored like 5 people yesterday. I'm going to see if it acts as a sort of "COBOT: God Mode".
Flaming back using sarcasm is quiet far from what I would call "responding in a logical fashion". You flamed back, thus implying that you had been insulted by what he said. Thus being trolled
I wouldn't really call that flame. I've been quite serious throughout this thread (clearly Cobot is not capable of that though). Even if I have a sarcastic tone it's to get across my point on this whole matter. But I see.

Because internet is so "syurious(grow the fuck up, you're not a pre-schooler)" amirite? You are being effectively trolled by every oldfag vs newfag comment, just like the on topic section gets trolled by old cob vs new cob comments. Tbh I have a hard time telling if you're counter-trolling or just being a mong and actually taking it seriously(this is how its spelled, fyi).

If you're actually not being sarcastic and you're being serious as you state there, then good on you, you've actually been proper trolled by one of the oldest trolls capable on this forum. And besides, so what if people actually think the forum was better before and mention it now and again? It's a perfectly legitimate opinion, and some of the old folks pop in here now and again anyways so theres no ACTUAL reason to leave forever unless one decides to.
If I were to complain about every annoying thing newer(or older for that matter) forum members post and say(believe me i dont, even if it comes across that way), I'd be trolling myself into madness.

Also, if it annoys you this much(it clearly does as you had to make a whiny thread about it), i'd like to point you towards Joe's example and USING THE FUCKING IGNORE BUTTON, i don't think any of us "old fags" will be sad that you don't read our posts. Quite frankly i couldn't care less(wait, just realized the length of this post, scratch that).

"We" have just as much right to be here as you and the other armada of posters who aren't "complaining old-fags", we can complain all we want by law, and you can do pretty much fuck all about it, except IGNORING us, i suggest you do that because I'm not gonna adjust my posting habits to your needs.

Keep being a COBOT "hero" for all I care.

And as for image replies, it's my form of humor, you don't find it funny, look the other way. I find your "humor" immature and fucking annoying, but I haven't brought it up(before this post) because i basically ignored it, but you started it.

in short; we're two different groups, different people, different opinions, but we don't need to interact, and there is an ignore button.
Suck it up.


TL;DR I get effectively trolled/counter-trolled

.... trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls....