Random multisamples in Battery?


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
Question for Battery users...is this possible? Like the random multisample feature in Drumagog or Aptrigga? I'm even searching the Battery forum archives and getting no where on this one... so I'm guessing the answer is a big "no"?

Thanks in advance guys.
what does that mean exactly? Like having the program switch up the samples on say a snare drum randomly? If that's what it means then I too would like to know how to do this. I thought there was a way but i'm not sure. I would really like to know how as well.
Right. To randomly play different samples on each hit. This can be done in Drumagog and Aptrigga. I've just recently started playing with Battery (in fact, new to the whole drum/midi programming within a DAW), but after pouring through the manual and checking forums, I'm starting to think it's not possible...at least not easily (playing random samples from individual cells).
I asked this question some months ago. Somebody answered about an option in Battery 3. This function is called something like ROUND ROBIN or similar. I downloaded the manual for Battery 3 and there was and explanation but I didn't understand very well. I do not have Battery 3 so I didn't care.
it has a "round robin" feature, which means it plays the samples not randomly, but rather each hit progresses the selected set of samples from one sample to the next, in order, and then starts again. not as realistic as true randomizing, but better than nothing at all.
Actually, Battery 3 has both functions: random AND round robin. I use round robin. It can also do multisampling by velocity lane (intensity of the hit). Battery 3 is a really cool program, my only problem with it is the choke function on pads, because it doesn´t stop the sample, just mute it for as long the pad is being squeezed.
I can teach you how to setup the random and/or the round robin thing.
Thanks for the responses guys. I was starting to pull out my hair, which is slowly becoming a more rare and precious commodity these days! :) Was trying out Battery 2 to see if I liked it. Guess I'll fork out the bucks for Battery 3. Now just have to find a way to justify the expense to my CFO (my wife). :lol:

Thanks guys! :kickass:
Actually, Battery 3 has both functions: random AND round robin.
hey, that's good news... i just upgraded to Battery3 but i'm still most versed in version 2, which only has round robin. going to have to get on to reading the "what's new in version 3" file....

Here´s where you set these things on Battery 3.

It´s kind of a signal path before activating the sample, and you can put 2 variable conditions in the path.

The "Trigger" field determines if the signal will go when the "note is on" or when the "note is off" (You will probably use this always on "Note on").

On "Condition 1" field I put a "Round Robin cycle", so it has 3 fields:

The "Cycle number" identifies on which cell cycle this cell acts (let´s say that Kick cycle is 1, snare cycle is 2 and crash cycle is 3. In this case, this cell will be on the Kick cycle).

The "Position" determines the position of this cell on the cycle order, on this case, cycle 1 (this cell is the first one on the kick cycle).

The "Reset CC" is how many positions the cycle will jump on the cycle order after this cell have been hit. You will probably want this on -1 (this way, after I hit this cell, the next cell to be activated will be the second one (position = 2) on the Cycle 1).

The "Random cycle" condition is easier to setup, as you don´t have to say the position on the cycle and how it behaves on the order after been hit. You just have to say with a number the cycle that this cell belongs (kick cycle, snare, cycle, etc)
In addition to round robin, battery 2 lets you use differnt samples for differnt velocity zones. For instance, you can assign one sample in the cell to play back on velocities 1-50, then another one for 51-100 and another 101-127 or whatever you want.
In addition to round robin, battery 2 lets you use differnt samples for differnt velocity zones. For instance, you can assign one sample in the cell to play back on velocities 1-50, then another one for 51-100 and another 101-127 or whatever you want.
yep... all my sample sets are multi-layered.
Yeah, I started playing with velocity layers the other night. Instantly made things a step more in the realistic direction. I'll have to try out the round robin feature until I can pick up Battery 3. Thanks for all the responses and help!
I also use multisampling by layers in Battery 2, and I suppose for "random cycle" in battery 3 that you have to load the kick samples into the same cell, don't you, Mr. CO? I'm thinking seriously to upgraade my beloved Battery 2.

BTW, I thought everybody in this forum used DFHS and that I was a kind of freak for using Battery.:zombie:
I suppose for "random cycle" in battery 3 that you have to load the kick samples into the same cell, don't you, Mr. CO?
No. You can load the samples in different cells (each cell can be multi-layered) and just make them part of the same "Cycle Nr". On the random this is all you got to do. O the other hand, as I´ve said, on the 'round robin' you have to setup the 'position' of each cell on that 'cycle nr' and also how many steps it will jump after being activated (the "Reset CC")
strange, the "round robin" thing works fine here, but when i select "random" the timings of the samples get weird, for example, I program 16th notes in my midi file, but Battery doesn't play every note, what am i doing wrong here ? Read the manual but as far as i now my settings are ok ...

edit, nevermind, found the solution, the cycle number needed to be different...
heyy guys! i try to figure out the things in Battery. my problem is: empty cells are also in the cycle.... i don't know what to do...annoying :/ i know i should RTFM. i searched it, but i didn't find it :/

so for example if i have 5 crack hits, 8 hard, 8 medium ,10 soft then the Battery plays the empty cells in the matrix.

each row is a "layer" for example crack hits only.
each pad is a sample. (in this case 10 pads in each row, cause it's a matrix)

how can i switch the empty cells off?
it's a matrix so i can't delete them because the biggest number is 10 in this case, so what should i do?

please help me out guys, i'm almost done with this thing

thank you so much!
i haven't made a kit in battery for awhile, but i think i can help.

start a new kit, use the + button to add rows A up to H(highest it goes) and 1 - 16 (highest it goes)

i put all the hard hits in one row, all the medium hits in one row, and so on.
(unfortunately im not sure how to add multiple velocities into 1 cell so u will have to use a different note when u want a different velocity. maybe someone else can help with this.)

hold Ctrl and highlight all the hits in the 1st row, then go to Setup.

Trigger; NOTE ON. Condition 1; RANDOM, Condition 2; ALWAYS.
Cycle Nr 1(then 2 on the next, 3 on the next, and so on. u get 16 cycles, after that u will have to use the round robin condition instead of random.)

next go to Cell. and put C1/C1 (or wherever u want to start, and move up from there with each new group.)

and start over again on the next group till u finish. takes a little while...

also, make sure all the samples of the group are highlighted when u adjust anything otherwise u will not edit all the hits in the group.

hope this helps some and is not too confusing.

i just switched to steven slate drums so im using that for shells, but still using battery on cymbals since i dont have full Kontakt.
