random question to people who record and keep snare tracks

just curious, but is there anyone in here who can record some samples of the snare with and without moongels?

i know everyone raves about how awesome they are, but it would be nice to actually hear the difference!
just curious, but is there anyone in here who can record some samples of the snare with and without moongels?

i know everyone raves about how awesome they are, but it would be nice to actually hear the difference!

Not 100% sure the mic'ing is the same, just going through audio files from today. Can make more or less of a difference, this is with an Ambassador skin (thinnest you can get), so they make more of a difference than with a thicker skin.
Heres some snipets of how my snare tracks sound

no processing - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/747294/snare no proce.mp3
with eq gate and compressor - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/747294/snare proc.mp3
What i did

i'd be into it
but the last time i did that, the drum tech left to go home and we recorded a song

the whole kit was out of tune after the 2nd or 3rd punch in lol

with my schedule, i barely have time to even edit drums, let alone be tuning them all the time


You might want to invest in some lug locks then... They're not expensive at all, and will more then likely solve that issue.

Almost 250ms attack on the compressor? That's insane :erk: Are you doing faster compression somewhere else? I've never gone higher than 50-60ms ever on a snare, 250 seems like it would be a lot longer than the entire "hit" of the snare?

i have no idea whether the mh contols relate to ms. sounds good to me. Did hit it with an 1176 as well. the Mh isnt doing much G.R just tickling. sounds best to me that way.
^ I may be wrong, but I don't think lug locks will help a drum head that warps and stretches, which would more likely be the culprit of the tuning going bad during tracking (IMHO).

Wrong. Unless the drummer is an idiot, doesn't know how to hit, and starts cratering the drum heads, everything will be great. 99% of the time, going out of tune isn't because the head warps and stretches.. It's the tension rods just coming loose. Lug locks let the head completely vibrate, but doesn't allow the tension rods to move as it's vibrating. They do wonders in the studio, and live when playing shows.