Random theological stuff - moved from Q about God

Its hard for me to understand the contemplation of things so far from reality. Its like bitching about it being cold in the north and why does it have to be that way when the answers are so obvious.
Its hard for me to understand the contemplation of things so far from reality. Its like bitching about it being cold in the north and why does it have to be that way when the answers are so obvious.

well, the farther north the farther you are away from the equator. obvious answer, i agree. but i'm speaking more about the way things should or could be. like a possible world where there are no extreme variations of temperature depending on geographic location. i don't see why that couldn't be within a god's power. the issue of hotness and coldness is interesting. unless for some bizarre reason you really want to live in a world with freezing temperatures and cyclical ice ages, i think a much more reasonable and pleasurable world would be one with modest temperature variations that would range from somewhere around 50 to 80 degrees.

who knows, maybe someday things that are far from reality will be reality. we can't achieve such visions if we don't have the visions in the first place. we need to expand our imaginations if we want something better.
Sorry to say your are so environmentally incorrect and your answer was very surface or base, you need to look deeper for the correct answer. Your posts are starting to sound like nothing more than bitching about trivial bullshit that has nothing to do with the real world or reality. One should not waste their time on such petty bullshit while the crooks are sneaking out the back door with the loot.
it's a bad decision we have to make to put up with the possibility of suffering just to get our pleasures, but it seems better to me then being dead. others may disagree and i wish them well in their heroin journey.

Ok, so there are things worth putting up with the shit for, you just wish there wasn't the shit. I assume then you wouldn't agree that there is a significant relativistic element to our pleasures, that our sufferings / potential sufferings do nothing to heighten our pleasures?

You would honestly be happy to submit to be the oft philosophised 'brain in vat' - with pleasure plumbed straight into you? I'm too attached to my fabricated meanings and vague optimism for that...
Your posts are starting to sound like nothing more than bitching about trivial bullshit that has nothing to do with the real world or reality.

You seem to primarily care about whether politicians are corrupt or whether jobs are being sent to china and other such sociological and economic phenomenon. these are not trivial concerns, but to say that my concerns have nothing to do with the real world is stupid. I'm talking about basic facts of life like eating, among other things which are very real. Getting your job back from china isn't going to change the fact this world sucks and god doesn't exist.

P.S. Please don't give me your life story about how your job wasn't really sent to china or whatever. I don't really care. I think it's pretty clear what the essence of my point is.


this ^ pretty much sums up my views on this subject
Quantum Foam : you sound like you wish you never been born and brought to this world !

not necessarily. like i've said already, i've found some things in this world that give me varying degrees of happiness so i choose not to kill myself. if i was never born i could never have experienced anything i consider good. i guess it's the old camus idea of persevering in an absurd world. not that i think this is ideal, but it's better then death as far as i know. i see no reason to assume there is anything, let alone anything better, when we die.
Ok, so there are things worth putting up with the shit for, you just wish there wasn't the shit. I assume then you wouldn't agree that there is a significant relativistic element to our pleasures, that our sufferings / potential sufferings do nothing to heighten our pleasures?

You would honestly be happy to submit to be the oft philosophised 'brain in vat' - with pleasure plumbed straight into you? I'm too attached to my fabricated meanings and vague optimism for that...

well, getting my dick chopped off is not going to heigthen my pleasures. it will preclude the further possibility of sexual pleasure. but that is the world we live in, where such an event is possible and has even actually occured, and it sucks. now if you want to talk about some forms of s/m, although i've never done it before, i could imagine that some people would derive pleasure from that, especially since it is within the context of having sex which is a naturally pleasurable activity. so if someone wants to voluntary experience certain pain in an s/m context, i'm not against it, but to have pain involuntarily forced upon me, which is the ever present possibility in the type of world we live in, well that is not acceptable. unfortunately, nearly everyone has internalized the moral of the book of job in the old testament, even if you are not religious, and we can't imagine being satisfied in a world without pain and death. the only people who are greatful for suffering similarly to someone like job are religious nutjobs who hold a divine command theory of morality and are basically mindless zombies. as i've said, if they want to live in a world like that, i'm not going to demand everyone comply with my wishes to not live in a world like that. i'm willing to accept diversity, i just don't want to have anything to do with people i consider nuts, and this world is full of nutty assholes.

I can be perfectly content experiencing various forms of pleasure without pain, depression, alienation, death, etc. As for brain in a vat, for me it kind of depends on what the context is. If there was a good god, or some trustworthy alien species, that was willing to arrange such scenarios, I think there would be less reason for concern. But given the assholic history of our species, i'm skeptical of any potential "matrix" like scenarios. I think there would have to be significant changes in our species mentality before any such grand change in the nature of how we live our lives could be carried out. it is a tricky issue. nick bostrom has written about such things, including the existential risks of any such attempt to drastically alter reality. maybe the best we can do is concoct some ideal and strive to get as close as possible to it while being ever vigilant during the process in watching out for potential catastrophic consequences of our attempt to construct utopia.

But with that said, the actual brain in a vat scenario you are talking about which consists of having pleasure "pumped" into you makes it sound different then what i imagine. for example, in an ideal world i wouldn't want to just sit around having heroin jacked into my brain for all eternity. why? because i value some type of diversity of experience. i just don't want those experiences to consist of the grotesque horrors we currently experience or potentially experience. i enjoy playing baseball and basketball and part of the game consists of the possibility of losing. now this might make you feel a bit sad for a short period of time, and i think such emotions could be felt in my ideal world. it is part of what makes sports fun. but i don't want to play sports and have the thought in the back of my mind that if i accidentally foul someone in a way they interpret as me intending to hurt them that they could start a fight with me or threaten my life. this last sentence describes something i have experienced in my life and i'll tell ya, it didn't do anything to make me like playing basketball any more then i already did. in fact, it made me think twice before going to that specific court again. so, variety of emotional experience can be fine in certain contexts and doses. but our world is a house of horrors compared to what i'm describing things could and should be like for all those who choose.

As for fabricated meanings, one can give oneself meaning in the type of world i am describing. of course the type of meaning you seem to want, where there is the real possibility of being tortured or killed wouldn't exist, but i think most sane people would prefer to not take that avenue to achieve meaning in their lives. As for vague optimism, i have a vague optimism that we might meet a kick ass alien species one day, but i'm not holding my breath. i have a vague optimism some form of transhumanism could actually work and not be a catastrophe, but i'm not holding my breath for it. i expect to die with the world still significantly fucked up, but one can still hold onto ideal visions while experiencing one's pleasures in the short time we have to live.
You seem to primarily care about whether politicians are corrupt or whether jobs are being sent to china and other such sociological and economic phenomenon. these are not trivial concerns, but to say that my concerns have nothing to do with the real world is stupid. I'm talking about basic facts of life like eating, among other things which are very real. Getting your job back from china isn't going to change the fact this world sucks and god doesn't exist.

P.S. Please don't give me your life story about how your job wasn't really sent to china or whatever. I don't really care. I think it's pretty clear what the essence of my point is.

[shakes head] I will give what ever "story" I feel like giving at any given time... and NO ONE is going to stop it. Just being told what to do, makes me feel like summoning up a story, but I would not have other wise... any questions ?... Mum ?

"The essence" of my point is, crying about the weather, or tendencies of mankind and blaming them on god or crying about why cant we live in a perfect world is a fools waste of time and NOT good for the soul.

Getting my job back from... Oh yeah... did I tell you my job went to South America ?????? Want I should elaborate........ ?.......... Anyhow getting my job back would certainly make "life NOT suck" and many others in my country would feel the same. My life has never sucked because of the weather, its trivial. STORY ! YEAH !.... My grandfather always said "if you dont like the weather... just wait a minute".

If you dont like the idiosyncracies of mankind... STORY ! YEAH ! I had a great aunt that always said "peoples is just peoples".

If you dont like the climate.... STORY ! I say "move to a better one and quit wishing for the refrigerator known as the ice cap to melt so we can fry under our own sun... do you like the desert ? IF not shut the fuck up"

Now if you want to bitch about worthy causes like those that run the world and ultimately make life miserable for all, then I find you to be well placed in your thoughts and ambitions and I proclaim loudly "shake it in their face, call them fucktards, demand to see their heads roll from the chopping block, hold their head by the hair... high in the air and proclaim... "here be the head of a traitor" and I will show you the faces of a happy crowd and life will no longer "have to suck".

Questions ?
Questions ?

No. i've already wasted enough time debating demonic genetics with others in this thread. debating further nonsense such as your statement that the weather is "trivial", well, i just don't think it would do me or you any good. have fun in your utopia of work.
As I said before, debating things you can't change and blaming God for it (or actually in your case, you can't blame God for it because you don't believe in His existence), when people add an immense amount of [bad] to this world without "help", is pretty misguided.
As I said before, debating things you can't change and blaming God for it (or actually in your case, you can't blame God for it because you don't believe in His existence), when people add an immense amount of [bad] to this world without "help", is pretty misguided.

just remember to pull your fingers out of your ears every once in a while to get the wax out. it'll get pretty funky after a while. thank the lord for ear wax!!! hallelujah!
Well ! I guess we got to the bottom of that rather quickly.... {takes a bow}

guess were crying about ear wax now.

fucking nose hair, why did god have to make nose hair... life sucks

as a parting word of advice, don't get so wrapped up in your delusions that you can't even imagine living your life differently. i was raised as a christian and went to sunday school and church a lot. but that part of your brain that allows you to think for yourself can only be repressed for so long. hopefully you won't go all joker-style nuts on humanity if you lose faith in god because clearly your insanity is of the type that if you didn't have the infant-killing sky father commanding you to act one way instead of another you would probably turn out to be a homocidal maniac because your moral reasoning is less developed then a cockroach.
"vader" is that someone important...

dont get too upset, Im just trying to make a point, if what Im really reading into what you have written you are too concerned with little things and its just not worth it. Your posts are not that badly expressed otherwise.

edit ! excluding your last rampage post, geeze, breath through the nose
as a parting word of advice, don't get so wrapped up in your delusions that you can't even imagine living your life differently. i was raised as a christian and went to sunday school and church a lot. but that part of your brain that allows you to think for yourself can only be repressed for so long. hopefully you won't go all joker-style nuts on humanity if you lose faith in god because clearly your insanity is of the type that if you didn't have the infant-killing sky father commanding you to act one way instead of another you would probably turn out to be a homocidal maniac because your moral reasoning is less developed then a cockroach.

I was raised as a Christian as well and went to sunday school etc etc. I do not believe in the majority of stuff taught in Christianity, since it doesn't actually match up to the Bible.

I assure you my moral reasoning is quite highly developed, and that I have put hours of thought into life and things related, as opposed to the majority of the developed world imo, which are too busy trying to party to think about more important things.