Random theological stuff - moved from Q about God


this ^ pretty much sums up my views on this subject
Same here. The pictures is both true and funny.

@ Krofius :
Dude, I don't want to reply almost the very same thing over and over again, I have got some stuff to do other than that. You will never change your mind no matter how many times i will explain, answer your questions, would you? So what's the point of doing it?
Maybe i will? Answer them and we'll see. You answered my questions, then I replied to your answers and gave you new ones, If you don't feel like taking the time to replying to them,i find it very disrespecting.
portrayed???? are you kiddin? I mean did the painters live in Adam and Eve's era?? and yes there's a way for a coulor to evolve to another coulor!!! it's all about genes and environment, you should educate yourself a bit more about that.
The Evolution's theory is not 100% right too, you should look that up and see for yourself.

Then explain to me how 2 white people can produce a black baby (Or vice versa if they werent white)
It is only possible for 2 white people to produce a black if anywhere along their ancestory a black race was present (vice versa here too) Was that the case? NO. You are proven wrong.
1. no human being was and never will be forced to be muslim. The death penalty for those who leave islam was actually set because: when the prophet Muhammed died , so many hypocrites (who again were not forced to become muslims at the first place) left this religion and called themselves prophets, so they had to be killed.
2.Muhammed is not a pedophile , and as I've said above try to understand hex point cuz he did a good job!and try to look for reliable sources next time: there are no scriptures that precise Aisha's age when she got married, besides she was physiologically and mentally mature back then.

1.Oh now it makes sense..It was as stupid as i thought it was. Some human beings is indeed forced to be muslims. Even if you choose to be a muslim, why wouldn't you have the right to leave your religion without death penalty? It's just fucking retarded.
2.*COUGH* Google *COUGH* Yes he was. How can you deny it? It's a simple fact. Don't be so ignorant come on. I've found over 1000 reliable sources on the internet, it's good enough for me.
1.Oh now it makes sense..It was as stupid as i thought it was. Some human beings is indeed forced to be muslims. Even if you choose to be a muslim, why wouldn't you have the right to leave your religion without death penalty? It's just fucking retarded.
2.*COUGH* Google *COUGH* Yes he was. How can you deny it? It's a simple fact. Don't be so ignorant come on. I've found over 1000 reliable sources on the internet, it's good enough for me.

i vaguely remeber some american news story about people somewhere in the Middle East facing the death penelty just simply for being Christian

i was already pretty sure Muhammed was a pedophile, i just didn't care... still don't actually
as a parting word of advice, don't get so wrapped up in your delusions that you can't even imagine living your life differently. i was raised as a christian and went to sunday school and church a lot. but that part of your brain that allows you to think for yourself can only be repressed for so long. hopefully you won't go all joker-style nuts on humanity if you lose faith in god because clearly your insanity is of the type that if you didn't have the infant-killing sky father commanding you to act one way instead of another you would probably turn out to be a homocidal maniac because your moral reasoning is less developed then a cockroach.

Are you done now? You can come down off your pedestal.
i vaguely remeber some american news story about people somewhere in the Middle East facing the death penelty just simply for being Christian

i was already pretty sure Muhammed was a pedophile, i just didn't care... still don't actually

Yeah you see how fucked up it is =)
I don't even see how someone can try to defend it..Like Hexwind. He gets very angry when i call his beloved prophet Muhammed a pedophile..It's still true that Muhammed was a pedophile though. I recommend you Hexwind to read ''The God Delusion'' and to listen to what Richard Dawkins has to say.
Yeah you see how fucked up it is =)
I don't even see how someone can try to defend it..Like Hexwind. He gets very angry when i call his beloved prophet Muhammed a pedophile..It's still true that Muhammed was a pedophile though. I recommend you Hexwind to read ''The God Delusion'' and to listen to what Richard Dawkins has to say.

Well.. it's good to have you back, I spent few days off too :lol:
How was your holidays out there?
Ok.. listen man. I didn't want to answer your last questions cause simply this debate will lead to nothing, obviously each of us is sticking to their arguments and will never change their ideas, so what's the point of proving one another's whether wrong or right? would it solve a problem? I doubt it, but if there is a problem that can be solved is you watch out what you say.you believe Mohammed was a pedophile? okay, that's YOUR opinion, and what's the point of saying it in each post or wherever you go?
Just one thing I request from everyone, no need to throw any whatever opinion that hurts any of us here. If there is something to discuss, it should be in respectful and intellectual way. Got it dude?
Peace be upon you.

EDIT : btw, I don't get up set or anything when I am explaining my points of views, unless, someone over shows disrespect just for the sake of pissing me off.
Deciding your own moral beliefs is relative morality.

Not entirely, there is a difference between intersubjective morality and moral relativism, though each does allow one to come to their own moral conclusions.

Moral relativism basically says one cannot ever accurately judge the morals of others, and thus different moral systems become impervious to rational attack. Say I have a moral system which permits murder, according to moral relativism as an outsider you have no right to say that my accepting murder as a normal activity is wrong, to be a consistent moral relativist you have no choice but to accept my act as morally acceptable according to my specific context.

Intersubjective morality allows for judgement of other moral systems since it is based on the idea of some universal moral truths (i.e. murder is wrong) agreed upon by a majority of people. This is a key difference. Degree of punishment/rehabilitation, however is a different matter entirely.
My beliefs are actually far from the group that holds the title of "biblical funamentalists".

I wasn't making a judgement about your moral outlook as a whole, but your advocating for a strict adherence to the moral laws in scripture. Regardless, saying that adultery ought to be punished by death as is outlined in the bible is a fundamentalist religious moral position in itself.
Not entirely, there is a difference between intersubjective morality and moral relativism, though each does allow one to come to their own moral conclusions.

Moral relativism basically says one cannot ever accurately judge the morals of others, and thus different moral systems become impervious to rational attack. Say I have a moral system which permits murder, according to moral relativism as an outsider you have no right to say that my accepting murder as a normal activity is wrong, to be a consistent moral relativist you have no choice but to accept my act as morally acceptable according to my specific context.

Intersubjective morality allows for judgement of other moral systems since it is based on the idea of some universal moral truths (i.e. murder is wrong) agreed upon by a majority of people. This is a key difference. Degree of punishment/rehabilitation, however is a different matter entirely.

I understand there is a technical difference, but the end result is pretty much the same, which is a steady moral decline.
Intersubjective morality does not have to adhere to any "universal moral truths".
Not entirely, there is a difference between intersubjective morality and moral relativism, though each does allow one to come to their own moral conclusions.

Moral relativism basically says one cannot ever accurately judge the morals of others, and thus different moral systems become impervious to rational attack. Say I have a moral system which permits murder, according to moral relativism as an outsider you have no right to say that my accepting murder as a normal activity is wrong, to be a consistent moral relativist you have no choice but to accept my act as morally acceptable according to my specific context.

Intersubjective morality allows for judgement of other moral systems since it is based on the idea of some universal moral truths (i.e. murder is wrong) agreed upon by a majority of people. This is a key difference. Degree of punishment/rehabilitation, however is a different matter entirely.

i think that if a person commits an act that is considered a crime, then the motivation for the crime should be used in determining the harshness of the punishment
let's take homicide for example
if i kill a serial rapist, because he has raped my mother/sister/daughter/girlfriend,
then my punishment for taking revenge should be a whole lot less severe than if i just kill a random person
I understand there is a technical difference, but the end result is pretty much the same, which is a steady moral decline.
Intersubjective morality does not have to adhere to any "universal moral truths".

a system of "universal moral truth" doesn't work, because it has the ability to become more and more strict
in the 1950's being homosexual was "universally" wrong across the entirety of the United States of America, it was just something that everybody accepted because everybody else accepted it, when you have "hard and fast" rules of saying "this action is wrong no matter why you've done it" people loose the ability to think for themselves, going back to homicide thing for a moment, "is killing someone wrong if you're killing someone that deserves to die?"
Well.. it's good to have you back, I spent few days off too :lol:
How was your holidays out there?
Ok.. listen man. I didn't want to answer your last questions cause simply this debate will lead to nothing, obviously each of us is sticking to their arguments and will never change their ideas, so what's the point of proving one another's whether wrong or right? would it solve a problem? I doubt it, but if there is a problem that can be solved is you watch out what you say.you believe Mohammed was a pedophile? okay, that's YOUR opinion, and what's the point of saying it in each post or wherever you go?
Just one thing I request from everyone, no need to throw any whatever opinion that hurts any of us here. If there is something to discuss, it should be in respectful and intellectual way. Got it dude?
Peace be upon you.

EDIT : btw, I don't get up set or anything when I am explaining my points of views, unless, someone over shows disrespect just for the sake of pissing me off.

My holiday was awesome, now to the subject..About Muhammed..ofcourse it's my personal opinion but seriously dude, how can you deny it...i can with 99,99% confidence state it as a fact. What's the point proving who's wrong and right? Well..One person is right about all of this, and imo it's me. Discussing always hurts someone since they have different opinions.
And no blessings on me please, i don't care about blessings more than i care about 9/11 (don't give a shit) You're just making an ass of yourself (to me). Ofcourse, no offence to anyone, i'm just merely telling my opinions, you are entitled to the same.
Now please answer my replys ;)
My holiday was awesome, now to the subject..About Muhammed..ofcourse it's my personal opinion but seriously dude, how can you deny it...i can with 99,99% confidence state it as a fact. What's the point proving who's wrong and right? Well..One person is right about all of this, and imo it's me. Discussing always hurts someone since they have different opinions.
And no blessings on me please, i don't care about blessings more than i care about 9/11 (don't give a shit) You're just making an ass of yourself (to me). Ofcourse, no offence to anyone, i'm just merely telling my opinions, you are entitled to the same.
Now please answer my replys ;)

Well.. Mohammed married a 9 years old girl, it IS a fact, according to what was told through the history, but you simply have to understand that things were different and I don't bother telling them again...
Discussing always hurts someone? hell no dude, look at few pages in this thread written while you weren't here, talking about technology and so on, some of us had different point of views but none of us hurt anyone else. No one told you not to give your opinions, I highly respect anyone's opinions as far as they respect mine. You think you are right? that's fine. I do think I am right too, did all this debate change anything? Obviously not. You just feel contempt that you clarified your opinions, the whole point is, I explain my opinion, and it's up to you to either agree or not.
Well.. Mohammed married a 9 years old girl, it IS a fact, according to what was told through the history, but you simply have to understand that things were different and I don't bother telling them again...
Discussing always hurts someone? hell no dude, look at few pages in this thread written while you weren't here, talking about technology and so on, some of us had different point of views but none of us hurt anyone else. No one told you not to give your opinions, I highly respect anyone's opinions as far as they respect mine. You think you are right? that's fine. I do think I am right too, did all this debate change anything? Obviously not. You just feel contempt that you clarified your opinions, the whole point is, I explain my opinion, and it's up to you to either agree or not.
It actually just changed.. You admitted he was married to a 9year old girl..Hence the pedophilia mark. Even though if things were ''different'' back then, He was still a pedophile. The word pedophile probably didnt even exist and had a meaning when they lived, But now that we got the word, we can define him.
It actually just changed.. You admitted he was married to a 9year old girl..Hence the pedophilia mark. Even though if things were ''different'' back then, He was still a pedophile. The word pedophile probably didnt even exist and had a meaning when they lived, But now that we got the word, we can define him.

oh really? haha
People WERE different, I think I already explained that in my previous posts. Dude, let me ask you, did you ever read the Qur'an? at least one or two Surahs. did you? How the fuck do you speak about something you don't know and you are not educated about it and just heard some people like Darkwin or whoever insulting religion and religious people and then he pretends that he doesn't hate anyone and bla bla, and u think it's cool and let's do the same.
It actually just changed.. You admitted he was married to a 9year old girl..Hence the pedophilia mark. Even though if things were ''different'' back then, He was still a pedophile. The word pedophile probably didnt even exist and had a meaning when they lived, But now that we got the word, we can define him.

Because modern day morality is clearly the be all end all. Values will never shift again, we've got it right this time :lol::lol: