I loved MLP and Care Bears cartoons too

I think there are some episodes on youtube. I loved Fizzy!
As a kid, I had barbies as well but never really liked them. Always did bad things to them.
I remember loving to play with my cousins' little cars and playmobil's, G.I. Joe, etc. They had some cars that changed colour with water, I loved them!
I also remember my He-man and Pantro

Always wanted She-ra's horse and the tiger, Battlecat, but never found them.
Another toy I liked to play with was Pin&Pon. It was fun to change the girls' hairs.
Now I still have my ponies and the show stable, which I care as gold because I'm not planning on selling them or give them away. Near my home they are selling a big cute pony and I'll get it soon! I don't like the new generation of ponies with big heads and little bodies but this one is more "normal" and resembles the old ones pretty much.
I also have a Care Bear plush, the one with the big heart on it's chest... Tenderheart?
Nostalgia... Toys were yesterday's.
Changing subject...
Anyone here speaks Arabic by any chance?