random thoughts of the day

why morgan freeman? he's a good actor, but i don't think he'd fit as mengsk imo.

they could always do a computer animated movie with the same voice actors :)

i agree

jack nicholson should be arcturus mengsk :lol:, he has a good enough level of intimidation, but im terrible at this normally, cant think of enough good actors

lol johnny depp as jim raynor :p
My Little Pony and Carebears are my favourite childhood cartoons/movies!!! Well, before the Turtles came up, that is.

I am proud to admit that I am a dude who had My Little Pony toys as a kid :cool:

Boy/girl toys are just wrong. if it is fun, play with it.
I played with My little pony, barbie, and whatnot when i grew up.
(alongside star wars, lego´s and turtles offcourse :))
I loved MLP and Care Bears cartoons too :) I think there are some episodes on youtube. I loved Fizzy!
As a kid, I had barbies as well but never really liked them. Always did bad things to them.
I remember loving to play with my cousins' little cars and playmobil's, G.I. Joe, etc. They had some cars that changed colour with water, I loved them!
I also remember my He-man and Pantro :D Always wanted She-ra's horse and the tiger, Battlecat, but never found them.
Another toy I liked to play with was Pin&Pon. It was fun to change the girls' hairs.
Now I still have my ponies and the show stable, which I care as gold because I'm not planning on selling them or give them away. Near my home they are selling a big cute pony and I'll get it soon! I don't like the new generation of ponies with big heads and little bodies but this one is more "normal" and resembles the old ones pretty much.
I also have a Care Bear plush, the one with the big heart on it's chest... Tenderheart?

Nostalgia... Toys were yesterday's.

Changing subject...
Anyone here speaks Arabic by any chance?
yeah the mass effect movie will for sure suck balls. i dont know why theyre making a movie for such a decent game anyway. i actually just finished ME1 yesterday and id really only give it a 7.8/10 (i mean it was good, and i had fun, but im not dying to play the second). i mean its like 10-15 hours if you play the story, 35-40 if you do that same generic sidequest over and over :lol:. i think people love it because its simple, from the missions to the charecter upgrading.

there are far better games and stories out there.

ME2 is much better than ME1 in every way imo. Well except for Saren being a better main villain. Easily the best single player campaign I've played this gen, and I played all the good ones.
Sure didn't. But hey, instead lets talk about this Mortal Kombat Rebirth short you think is so "badase!"

in direct comparison to the other movies could you say otherwise? im an mk fanboi so my opinion is automatically stacked.
MK is the only fighter I've ever really enjoyed. I watched that trailer for the new MK game like three times in a row today.

Even considering how complete shite the other films were, I'd still probably take them over Mortal Kombat CSI. Trying to make MK plausible in the real world is about the dumbest thing you could do. It's just bad.
I'd still probably take them over Mortal Kombat CSI. QUOTE]

it'd be nothing like that. if there wern't so many Jax and Sonya Blade fans, there probably would never even have that scene. i think they did a great job a of making it realer without making it 1) chesse 2) f'n up the original story or grudges etc.
Not cheesy? :lol:


If that wasn't cheese then ...
i didnt roll my eyes once. thats usually the tester whereas i can hardly play ME2 cause ill be staring at my brain the whole game.
You probably think Punisher Warzone is a masterpiece of modern cinema.

Exactly the same kind of brain dead ultra violent tripe that only a prepubescent teen would think is hip. Cheese to the max my friend.
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um no. never liked punisher so i guess that counts too. and it has nothing to do with the "cool" violence, i actually hate excessive gore like Tarintino and that clip you posted. MK has to be gory because its the staple of the game, but other than that i could care less. how about batman, perfect example of how tights turned to armor can work. it was gritty and had a great story while keeping everything that made it tr00 still, or do you dislike the direction they are taking with that also?
There's a difference big between "realism" and the type of garbage Lionsgate turns outs. Even stylistically it's a match. Would you like me to point out the other obvious similarities to you?
There's a difference big between "realism" and the type of garbage Lionsgate turns outs. Even stylistically it's a match. Would you like me to point out the other obvious similarities to you?

i completly agree, it doesnt have to be cheap low budget shit with a bunch of blood and hawt chix to rile a bunch of kids to gawk over. realism to me means something that can be taken completly seriously which i think this very well can. if you think there are any other similarities between this and some failed horror movie, feel free to list em, but i think there is virtually nothing but possitive feedback from the trailer and many think it could be made into a solid movie.
Just from the youtube vids we've got Dreadlock Baraka in both. We've got beheadings in both. We've got neck punctures in both. You've heard all next gen brown filter, no? We'll both these have the modern movie grit filters like Saw. Same hues, same use of shadows, same filters. Both are ulta violent, and ultra stupid. Reptile has a condition in which his eyes formed inside out, Baraka is a failed sergeant who grafted giant metal blades in his arm, and Johnny Cage used to be a big time hollywood actor that let me get this straight ... has gone under cover? You seriously do not see why this is made of fail?

Positive feedbeck from the ever so stupid interwebs. Mark my words, "if this movie is made it will tank hard critically, and commercially." Count on it.

Edit: I take that back. Maybe not commercially because people will watch almost any crap, but most certainly it'll get critically panned hard.
:lol: You should see the both of us argue over xbox live. We'll argue to death about the most pointless nerdy shite in history. Yeah, I'm bored as hell right now.