random thoughts of the day

What's the worst thing that could happen on Friday 13th? Your friend (used to be very close friend) dies by falling from a balcony.
He got out? He was meant to get out when I was in Tromso so I was keeping an eye out lol. Though his application got denied anyway. That was in April.

I remember reading a relatively recent quote from him saying that people with brown eyes were racially impure. Blue eyes are the way forward or some such nonsense. It's an awful pity that geneticists found out last year that blue eyes are a genetic mutation and that most humans had brown eyes a few thousand years ago. :lol:
His thinking is retarded (even if I love blue eyes) because if he actually went to highschool he would know that blue eyes are a recessive gene, which in his stupid "survival of the fittest" bollocks would mean that blue eyes are weaker than brown, as brown is a dominant gene.

I do like some of his music though.
Dominant and recessive aren't criteria to judge good or bad, weak and strong.. or I misunderstood you.


Studying is quite hard when you had never any need to do it until graduation.
Dominant and recessive aren't criteria to judge good or bad, weak and strong.. or I misunderstood you.


Studying is quite hard when you had never any need to do it until graduation.

Dominant/recessive is just a way to describe any gene in biology. :)
I've effectively fallen for a girl that I have only known for a week and is leaving the country at the end of May. Wonderful.
lol at "my uncle is a retard"

I make fun of everyone no matter age, race, religion or affliction. I was watching some video online with some friends with a metal band playing in some care home for people with mental and physical handicaps. None of us could stop laughing. I kind of felt bad about it and said "I shouldn't be laughing at this. My uncle is a retard". See I have an uncle on my fathers side who was born with mental and physical handicaps so if anyone ever scolds me about making fun of people in a like wise situation I just tell them about my uncle. Which is then followed by a "go f**k yourself". :lol:

Don't get me wrong. I don't discriminate against anyone. I just think that if we can't make fun of each other as a race then what's the point.