random thoughts of the day

I make fun of everyone no matter age, race, religion or affliction. I was watching some video online with some friends with a metal band playing in some care home for people with mental and physical handicaps. None of us could stop laughing. I kind of felt bad about it and said "I shouldn't be laughing at this. My uncle is a retard". See I have an uncle on my fathers side who was born with mental and physical handicaps so if anyone ever scolds me about making fun of people in a like wise situation I just tell them about my uncle. Which is then followed by a "go f**k yourself". :lol:

Don't get me wrong. I don't discriminate against anyone. I just think that if we can't make fun of each other as a race then what's the point.

:lol: I do that too. I feel uncomfortable around people who feel offended about every little thing.
now, I forgot what my random thought was...shit
[I'll blame you for this, Noit]
I have to go back to where I was when I first had it, that usually triggers it back...
Well I'm officially going to be a cripple too someday. I just got diagnosed with a degenerative disease of the spine.. yay.

Try not too be too bothered by it. Every body is unique in it's way that it responds to things, so the best thing to do (imo) is to not take it too hard. It won't be the first time that a body doesn't react the way it was told it "should have". In any way don't "plan" to be a cripple, or you might be digging your own grave
Try not too be too bothered by it. Every body is unique in it's way that it responds to things, so the best thing to do (imo) is to not take it too hard. It won't be the first time that a body doesn't react the way it was told it "should have". In any way don't "plan" to be a cripple, or you might be digging your own grave

Well yeah I agree with you. I have friends with less "illness" and pain than I have and they don't even work at all. I just keep going on til I burn out hehe. Infact I changed my course of study to herbal medicine in hope I can work out some kind of cures for myself with more knowledge (and maybe other people). I don't trust doctors and the pharma-ceutical (wtf this word is censored on here?) companies are pigs so I need to do it my own way.

deiderique - I saw Big Lebowski at the cinema in my work a couple of months ago and it was the most full screening I have ever seen there!