random thoughts of the day

Happy new year from me too. Here it's almost 3:00 PM. New Zealand was the first to enter the new year, right?

@Hobo: I'm turning 28 next year (2010) and I already feel the 30's... hehe.
Anyway, congrats I guess :)

Best wishes to everybody for the incoming year!
next week thursday is my performance assesment. i kinda wanna go die.

this is so stupid, it has been a series of things that keep me awake at night since the summer and just when one hurdle is over and I can relax something new comes up that fills me with anxiety.

i have a terrible feeling that this is alas life.
right now we have -20°C here.. it is estimated that some parts of Sweden will have down to -44° tonight.
(thats -4/-47°F for you who think amoniumchloride is some sort of standard measure ;))

Or as we say;
there are no mosquitoes outside right now.