RandomAwesome, Those Who Fear


Feb 24, 2011
Not a huge band but they're coming up a little bit. Not only that but the new EP sounds HUGE. probably one of my favorite mixes by you next to the plea mix. Any details on the process? Guitar amps, mics? pre was the Art MPA like always right? Sampled drums? Sounds like a sampled kick but I could be wrong. And the vocal processing, awesome. Such a heavy mix, I am amazed.
dude. you've to got to be fucking kidding me. this is one of the most killer mixes and band I've ever hear in my life. HOLY FUCK so much vibe and emotion!!!! those drums sound natural as fuck.... really good drummer?

i love how you can HEAR how he excites the room more or less by hitting his snare diferently and you capture that garage PERFECTLY. i wish we still had a garage in the new spot... :( oh well, having a legit spot is a LOT fucking cooler.
def snare and toms are natural. But that kick could be a sneaky little thing. That mix sounds soooooooooooooooooooo big...
Wow. I'll be honest, I was a little bummed on this mix/recording. I'm glad seriously glad to hear that it doesn't suck, haha :p

Josh is a GREAT drummer. He never does anything fancy, but the dude is solid! I had a conversation with him about drums before we started tracking and he used to do WAY more in their music, but he said he'd much rather play as solid as possible, especially because it makes their live show super powerful.

13" snare of some sort, I can't remember the brand. You can see his kit in this video -
Everything is live except for the kick, which has a sample layered in to keep the low end consistent.

Guitars were quad tracked with 2 of them getting a POD reamp and 2 of them getting a Mesa Dual Rec w EL34s reamp. Agile 6 string was used. Luke is such a beast and I've never a recorded a guitarist who digs into his strings as hard as this guy. It was one of the things I was a bit worried about, because I was afraid it was too inconsistent across 4 rhythm channels.

Bass... can't remember, haha.

Vocals were triple tracked - not something I typically like doing but the band really wanted to do this.

Aaron from A Plea For Purging said he ran into some fans of Those Who Fear at Cornerstone this year and a bunch of them were kinda meh about their new EP. Aaron loved it, but he really loves raw and natural sounding records. I was definitely bumming about this TWF EP ever since last January when we recorded it, thinking that maybe I was going a little too raw with my recordings :/ Thanks for the positive feedback guys, this was one of those mixes I just didn't know about and I can't say enough how relieved I am to hear from you guys that it doesn't blow, lol. Thanks guys, you just made my day :)
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bro, for me personally, it's a MASSIVE breathe of fresh air for metal production.... keep doing what YOU do... who knows, you could be the guy on the forefront to a whole different type of production aesthetic.

i for one, would be happy. hahaha
The only thing this mix blows is my fucking mind! But hot DAMN I KNEW THAT KICK WAS DECEIVING! haha has that EP released yet???

Luke definitely has that DL style of playing for sure. A lot of people jock that but I think he is a thick guitar player for sure! There's not enough people in metal who dig in their strings anymore and actually play heavy.

For drums, do you remember what you used for rooms?
I think I had one mic out in front of the drums to add a little space, but most of my room sound for this EP came from overheads.

I believe they were just releasing this EP for free, but they also sell it at shows. They're from PA but I know they tour all the time.