Rank the SW albums


May 14, 2007
Hey all,

the different opinion between Traver and SonataFanatica in 'Mercy falls - the music'-thread about 'WITW' and 'MF' made me come up with this one:
rank the three albums SW made.
I know, MF is still very fresh but i'm curious how you see this album compared to their earlier work.

Personally I feel 'Become' is the weakest. Of course, it has its moments but I have to be honest and say that I don't listen to it that much.
'Waiting in the wings' is a whole different story. The huge step the guys took in their songwriting-skills from 'Become' to 'WITW' is absolutely remarkable. The melodies are just brilliant, the musicianship is awesome, the production is top-notch and the annexation of a guy named Tommy wasn't a bad choice either :p.
I have been listening to 'WITW' for the last 2 years and even now I'm still amazed by this masterpiece.

'Mercy Falls'.... well, i've made a long review of my thoughts in the earlier mentioned thread.....in short, this may be the best cd ever. I still find it unbelievable that they were able to top themselves once again.

So...'MF' wins, just a tiny step behind - and i mean only a tiny step behind - is 'WITW' and 'Become' is on third place.
2. Mercy Falls (gaining ground with each listen)
3. Become

I think a better poll may be, what is your favorite song on MF? Just like WITW, I keep changing my mind. Right now my votes goes to Fall in Line. :kickass:
Mercy Falls is my #1, then WITW, Become on the 3rd place.
WITW is a great album, but I am a fan of concept albums and Mercy Falls is an amazing story.
I like also the music of MF a little bit more.
I think a better poll may be, what is your favorite song on MF?

This is the 'Rank the SW albums'-thread, not the 'Rank the SW albums and post your current favorite song from Mercy Falls'-thread.

I think that they keep getting better and better , and hope it stays that way or at least keep up with what they have done already , it's gonna be tuff to top there last two efforts but i bet they keep up with them , But i also think that this was a good time to put out the consept album , So when they (Hopefully) make the next they can experiment even more with there sound and blow our minds with there originality
It's nice to see a band put out 3 albums and consistantly get better and better

I think its abvious what my order of the albums are lol!!!
NOBODY de-rails my thread :muahaha:

I was just teasing :p
I know you meant no harm, dude....

But serious.........don't do it again man! :flame: