Rare AA Merch

I tried putting that AA bottle opener on my cell phone through the ring it has, but it wouldnt go through. i even tried taking it off the keychain and putting it on a string, no go.
Well I don't have anything incredible but I do have two plectrums from when they played with Tyr and Wintersun at the Scala in London.... and I do have some incredible memories and photographs (and I got to touch a couple of them :):))









Needless to say i was very close
Mine are lame as hell but here goes;

Getting held up by the security guard at the front door and waiting for three people to approve me entering with my digital camera around my neck.
After getting inside, having 5 stiff stinks waiting for Amon to come on, some girl bored at the bar making a pass, tripping and throwing my 2nd drink (a straight Vodka on the rocks) all over my friend. Looking back at the girl and thinking, shit I've had too many. Then hearing AA were about to come on, rushed to the pit and forgetting the girl.
Trying to run to the train station after getting out, getting their and finding I missed the last train home, so caught a taxi.

So my rare out of this is, forget girls when AA is in town and don't bother wasting a good vodka even if your friend does remember afterwards. All up I'm pleased with my first and hopefully not the last AA show in Melbourne.

Come back!!! Fucking Awesome.

The aftermath: Photo where shit as I think I was too shit faced anyway.
Well I did get a signed photo in the post, but I still laugh at what a night. At least I didn't have to ask the brunette her name in the morning and still have a smile on my face when I think of the show.
I still find this....

The avenger LP (common vinyl)
The Crusher 2LP
limited versions of albums The Avenger, Versus the world , Fate of Norns (digipacks)
Fate of Norns Release Shows CD
The arrival of the fimbul winter demo (the 3 tapes)
4 different versions of STTNW (digi, 2 jewel cases and re-release) (And LP PIC)
promo CDs
Samplers Cds

if you have to sell or know who can sell to me... send PM please
I'm very interested...
A mystery package I received, one signed photo of the band and a huge poster of the Raven.

Still don't know who sent it so I guess that is on par with memories of the Melbourne (australia) show.

Regrets: Not asking the girl on the shirt stand for her phone number :blush:
I still find this....

The avenger LP (common vinyl)
The Crusher 2LP
limited versions of albums The Avenger, Versus the world , Fate of Norns (digipacks)
Fate of Norns Release Shows CD
The arrival of the fimbul winter demo (the 3 tapes)
4 different versions of STTNW (digi, 2 jewel cases and re-release) (And LP PIC)
promo CDs
Samplers Cds

if you have to sell or know who can sell to me... send PM please
I'm very interested...
I am looking for the Arrival of the Fimbul winter tape. Please if anyone wishes to trade or sell please tell me.

As far as memories go well I met AA backstage here in Adelaide and got some stuff signed. They were Awesome. THEN I was minding my own business (or not!) in my local watering hole (Enigma) when who should wlak in but 3 Vikings by the name of Johan Ted and Johan! We drank and smoked an ENORMOUS cigar til bout 3am and parted ways. My camera phone wouldnt work so Ted kindly offered his camera for a pic (refer avatar, I of course am the one with massive grin) and he then emailed me the pic when he got back to Sweden. Farken awesome of him to do!!!
Hahaha, awesome stuff!

Rarest piece I own is a testpress from the Sorrw... 12" picture disc.
And of course 3 signed drumhead, used during soundcheck in Bochum :D
I have a copy of their album (Special edition) to go with a poster they all signed. Which in itself is not impressive, but I got the one of the guitarists (I THINK he is the guitarist, I don't have the poster with me) to write "LONG LIVE THE AGE OF THUNDER AND FEAR!!!" on the back, so I figured cutting them out with their signatures, and putting the words (Luckily it doesn't go over any of their faces) in a frame with them would work efficiently.
I have a copy of their album (Special edition) to go with a poster they all signed. Which in itself is not impressive, but I got the one of the guitarists (I THINK he is the guitarist, I don't have the poster with me) to write "LONG LIVE THE AGE OF THUNDER AND FEAR!!!" on the back, so I figured cutting them out with their signatures, and putting the words (Luckily it doesn't go over any of their faces) in a frame with them would work efficiently.

You cut it? I want to punch you for cutting it... Thats just me though.