Rate my August Burns Red cover so far? White Washed.

guitars need work. a lot of work. performance AND production wise.

drums need to be more upfront.

guitars are overscooped. bring back their mids.

Yah man I know this isnt the tightest playing ever :p just trying a mix, and yea im workin on the drum levels
I think it needs alot of work.

I personally think you should study the song more.

i think your lead is out of tune.
The guitars are also panned wrong.
You're also missing the octave chords.
The lead is to loud at the start and has no reverb.
You missed the little hammer on pinch part in the rythms.

How close are your aiming for the drums to be?
Or are they just there for it to sound fuller?
I think it needs alot of work.

I personally think you should study the song more.

i think your lead is out of tune.
The guitars are also panned wrong.
You're also missing the octave chords.
The lead is to loud at the start and has no reverb.
You missed the little hammer on pinch part in the rythms.

How close are your aiming for the drums to be?
Or are they just there for it to sound fuller?

Yah dude like I said this is just a tone test, I learned what I could in 10 minutes lol just really rough, and I want the drums to sound deep but punchy, the guitars are not panned wrong they are quad tracked 2 left 2 right
Not to be rude or anything but I think most guys on this forum put out mixes that are similar/better than that and it also sounds like there is an aggressive limiter on the master which kills a lot of the punch in the drums.
that would be epically horrendous pumping.

get / use gclip instead of whatever limiter that is.

that seriously wasn't ezdrummer?

yah the poumping is absolutely horrible, I redid it and added it back onto myspace. I did use GClip but I used VST Dynamics more and fucked it up. Yah I use DFH But with Steven Slate Drum samlples, so basically not EZDrummer just the samples (minus the cymbals)